Add support for Elgato Game Capture HD
I have the Elgato Game Capture HD and Twitch Studio doesn't support it. This is the only OBS that my a PC doesn't chug along but its also the one i can't even use so can you please add support for this capture card? Please?
xDEVILD0Gx commented
PLEASE! Any updates to this at all?? Elgato HD60 support?
wolfmannsw commented
Hopefully future updates will include HD60 since not everyone who bought an elgato/any capture card has a means to get another one just for this purpose. Please make it so HD60 is recognisable
justkristiana commented
Spent a while trying to set my HD60 up only to find out it wasn't supported...
MandoBiker commented
Please add the ability to use Elgato HD 60! please please please!
SilentCobra04 commented
Come on Twitch, who knows how long it'll take for companies to make the next generation of capture cards that can handle a PS5 and newest xboxes. So for now, PLEASE add support for the Elgato HD! I really do prefer using Twitch Studio for my streaming software considering it was built for Twitch and everything is so nice and neat and easy to learn!
FunkDVoid commented
Yes please! I can't stream with TS until it's sorted!
Matt12824 commented
Can't select the card as an option with window capture or anything else.
s4xton commented
Only reason I'm here is with my HD60 S on macOS.
Sixaxis_92 commented
We need NDI or something please....
cemiEsqualo commented