Twitch Charity Overlay for on stream to show fundraising progress
I'd love to be able to have an overlay on stream that showed my Twitch charity progress, similar to ones I can use on sites like Tiltify or Just Giving.
It would help drive donations to charity and help people easily see progress during big charity streams and see how close we are to target even if not looking at the chat.
carlalouiselevin commented
Supporting charity streamers with these activations, really help to showcase to their communities where they are, on their fundraising journey, and helps to positively reinforce the donation mentality.
Those streamers that are embedding the overlay into their streams could also be further amplified, by being highlighted as a shelf on the front page amongst the 'charity' section shelf, in order to further motivate viewers to support these streamers' journeys, and encourage uptake of the native twitch charity tools, rather than current third parties e.g. Tiltify/JustGiving