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3 results found

  1. Bot spam, bulk follows, etc. have always been a problem but it seems that this is only growing more prevalent as time goes on. Additionally, the phenomenon of troll raids has been something I've become more aware of over time and suspect is growing as well.

    Having a feature where streamers and moderators can bulk select users based on criteria (e.g. follow age, view time, joining from a specific raid, message pattern posted in chat, user name, etc.) and then use a single action to report and ban / timeout / block users would be immensely helpful in combating these…

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  2. At man får et svar fra en der arbejder hos twitch om når man har sendt en report. Så kunne det også være dejligt hvis man for en at chatte med om problemet så det kan gå så hurtigt som muligt!

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  3. If you ban someone, you do it for a reason, seeing the same person you just banned instantly in the unban request tab is tilting and shouldnt be the case.

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