Mask Requirement for TwitchCon? RATIO!!!
Since this board only allows upvotes you can vote here for the counter argument.
Masks aren't required by the airlines.
Masks aren't required by the venue.
Masks aren't required by the restaurants.
Masks aren't required by the hotels.
Masks aren't required by the government.
Masks should not be required at TwitchCon.
eveil7 commented
kmenzel commented
Airlines didn't make this decision because it's medically responsible, airlines should require masks.
The venue didn't make this decision because it's medically responsible, the venue should require masks.
Restaurants should frankly not be having people eat inside, that's absolutely been causing viral spread since it was allowed.
Hotels didn't make this decision because it's medically responsible, hotels should require masks.
The government didn't make this decision because it's medically responsible, the government should require masks.TwitchCon should follow medical best practice, and require masks, vaccine certificates for covid (with a recent booster required), etc.
restlesschest commented
Failed ratio