Move twitchcon Paris to another city
Dear Twitchcon.
I know writing this won’t change anything. But I’d still like to voice my opinion of your choice to have Twitchcon in Paris next year.
Paris, as you know, is one of the, if not THE, most expensive city in the world. Which is why it has surprised me and still surprises me that you have chosen to have Twitchcon there next year, taken that we are having a massive economical crisis in Europe because of the war in Ukraine.
I would love to go to Paris for Twitchcon if it was any other time. But for me and MANY Europeans it’s going to be very difficult to find money for this.
I have been talking to a lot of other streamers about Twitchcon Paris and I’ve not heard one say it’s a good idea. Everyone has mentioned how expensive it is and how it seems that Twitch doesn’t really care/know of the situation we are in at the moment where we can’t even pay for electricity, food, rent etc. How are we ever going to afford transport to Paris, food in Paris and a place to stay in Paris AND tickets for Twitchcon?
I’d like to think it’s in your interest to earn money too?
If by any miracle you are to change your mind or can get out of a contract with the center you are having it at I suggest you look at other cities that are more affordable like Warsaw, Budapest, Zagreb, Krakow, Graz etc. There are so many I could list.
If it’s not possible to change anything then I really hope you’ll consider one of the more cheaper cities for 2024 so me and many other streamers can afford to enjoy Twitchcon one more time.
Best regards, Bell