Settings and activity
8 results found
145 votesthedangerbeard supported this idea ·
188 votesthedangerbeard supported this idea ·
24 votesthedangerbeard shared this idea ·
59 votes
We did not specifically remove the functionality, we are investigating what is happening.
thedangerbeard supported this idea · -
63 votesthedangerbeard supported this idea ·
939 votesthedangerbeard supported this idea ·
1,806 votesthedangerbeard supported this idea ·
1,138 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment thedangerbeard supported this idea ·
I absolutely love this idea and have secretly wished for it numerous times when watching chillstreams - like crittervision and the like - that are visually very calm, but sometimes have some godawful music playing. We know twitch is technically capable of receiving multiple audio streams as that’s literally how soundtrack works, so we know this is technically feasible if not an “advanced” streamer feature as it’d have to be correctly configured on the streamer end to work. It would require a completely new video control UI though, which is a fairly massive, high impact piece of work. Big platforms are often scared of big changes. Still, I’d love to see this happen one day. Giving both creators and watchers greater control over the content they enjoy can ultimately only be a good thing!