Settings and activity
10 results found
7 votesultimus_b supported this idea ·
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment ultimus_b supported this idea · -
56 votesultimus_b supported this idea ·
45 votesultimus_b supported this idea ·
65 votesultimus_b supported this idea ·
55 votes
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For the community: If you like this idea, please vote on it and feel free to add on how it would help you in the comments.
ultimus_b supported this idea · -
127 votesultimus_b supported this idea ·
339 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment ultimus_b commentedI don't think this is necessary whatsoever; it's not what the platform is for, and as-is, it just takes up screen space when I'm trying to watch a livestream. This isn't Instagram or Snapchat, don't try to be. Not every platform needs stories.
61 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment ultimus_b commentedHuge agree here. Can't believe that I turn on "chat only" and less than 1/3 of the screen is chat. There's no need to have a huge audio-only play button where the video would be if you go out of your way to select chat only; clearly, I literally only want to see chat. The audio box should only be there if you choose audio-only. As it is, the two options are basically the same but chat-only automatically pauses the twitch feed. Garbage.
ultimus_b supported this idea · -
53 votesultimus_b supported this idea ·
Make chat only actually only show the chat fullscreen, without the audio play window. As-is, chat only mode is identical to audio only mode, but the feed is automatically paused. Barely any of the screen shows chat, maybe 1-2 messages at a time, and that isn't fixed until you start typing. If you tap the title of the stream, rip, now the big audio box is back and you get barely any chat. It's chat only. I don't want to listen to audio, or I'd have picked audio-only. It's just bad UI and doesn't make sense that I can't read any chat on chat only.