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7 results found

  1. Arcade gamers/streamers, collectors and players (community in general) currently do not have a dedicated category. There are a large number of notable video arcade hardware / PCB (also short for game boards) streamers that mainly stream under the category "Retro", "STG", etc and append the tag “Arcade” to differentiate from mainly console based retro streams.

    While a large majority of video arcade games are retro in nature, and similar titles and ports exists in the home console space, there are quite a few major differences, challenges and nuances in the realm of capturing video arcade game releases and their discrete…

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  2. you know what I would like as a streamer? I want raid recommendations that have gone live within the last hour to 30 mins in similar games when i open up my raid options, So i can appropriately network with brand new communities. Also my whole follow list to actually appear , I only ever get like 4 of them when i have like 9 online.

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  3. Imagine the greatness we could all achieve if Twitch allowed an option to completely remove all and any adds from someone's stream. All around great improvement and a better experience for both the streamer and the viewer. Viewers didn't see the great action that was happening in game because it was cut off by an add well, not anymore.

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  4. The new Raid menu is absolute garbage. It simply does not work. TWICE now instead of sending my stream to someone I follow, that I have selected, Twitch sends my tream to some total rando who I don't know. There is no option to abort or recall the raid.

    Streamers I am following should be the default options, not streamers in totally unrelated categories to what I have been streaming. There should also be an option to show ONLY streamers I follow.

    As it is now, raiding is useless and I'm done trying to deal with the "improved" menu.

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  5. Hey Twitch Team, so i wanted to point out something i have been noticing in the analytics of Twitch, The AVG Live viewer count of "Just Chatting" Category is comparatively Way higher than any other specified game category which is starting to make me believe that the Twitch Algorithm is pushing out "Just Chatting" Category Live streams alot more than Specified Game category for small and Medium Streamers [ Some Large streamers seem to be using just chatting for the majority of their streams as well which does not help the situation]. Causing a weird Disceprency within the Algorithm. Just…

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  6. On the home page I very frequently get recommended 1 to 3 channels I already follow, these are the most valuable spots on the home page for discovery and I feel like I have no chance of discovery or being discovered if people are getting recommended channels they already follow. Mr. Clancy was on a live stream answering questions about discoverability on twitch, he mentioned that twitch doesn't focus on shoving constant new content in the viewers face which lends itself to long form content better. BUT you should be doing EVERYTHING in your power with what you DO have…

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  7. Having a 45 letter limit for the prompt makes it so that creators have to shorten their prediction topic words for a lot of the times they run predictions. This, in my opinion, is unnecessary and the character limit should be increased.

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