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  1. the images are glitching on my twitch and the modules dont load correctly and on android the stream keeps saying offline the duration sometimes resets rarely and the viewers isnt always correct because on 3 different screens its a different number. alot of bugs to work out if you could please help.

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  2. I am unable to create a new custom channel point reward for My Twitch.

    When creating the channel point reward a red error message is being displayed "Error saving reward. Please try again". This is located under the reward name box.

    I have refreshed the web page and tried signing out and back into my account with no change to the issue.

    How do I fix the bug I am having?

    Thank you in advance. :)

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  3. Hey there! I've been using Twitch Alerts for a while. I tried to upload an image and sound file today. The audio uploaded fine, but the image file yielded the error "A file name must be included in the upload." I don't know WHY I'm getting this error, but I've never had it before.

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  4. Have been having this problem site-wide, exclusively on Twitch from multiple sources and browsers.

    Images and whole modules are failing to load. This is affecting everything from:
    - Chatting, where the failing links are trying their best and covering text, and Channel Point rewards can stall indefinitely.
    - Alerts not loading on stream either at all, failing with the image, failing with sound, etc.
    - Trying to update stream information.
    - Trying to make changes to Channel Point rewards.
    - Trying to export a VoD through Video Producer.

    The whole site seems like it's just falling apart as of late,…

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  5. В данных браузерах twitch отказывается заходить в аккаунт! Выдаёт ошибку. Проходя на предложенную статью по решению проблемы, нахожу информацию, что версия браузера должна быть последняя, чтоб всё работало.
    Вопрос: на сколько "последней" должна быть версия браузера, если она и так последняя из существующих на данный момент(дата: 11 декабря 2023 года).
    Для справки, в пятницу Vivaldi работал исправно. Информацию о трансляции поменял исправно.
    Прошу решить проблему!!!

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  6. I used to people to click on every profile in my activity feed. To see how long they've been following or subbed etc and now I can't click on any profile in my activity. Please fix this. I'm on the latest version of chrome and using the lastest of win 10

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  7. tenia 38,77 dolares me donaron 1,200bits que serian aproximadamete unos 12 dolares , como es posinle que cuando se actuliza mi pago me aparecen solo 39,48 dolares en total , siento que me estan robando necesiito una explicacion

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  8. the twitch dashboard is not reading the accurate followers i have saying i have 49 when i have 51 what should i do

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  9. Help to updating my achievements

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  10. eu tento carregar um vídeo para os meus alertas que está dentro do espaço limite que a Twitch permite, tentei carregar várias vezes o vídeo, tentei até deixá-lo mais pequeno, etc... Sempre diz que é grande demais, eu fui checar o espaço que ocupava e era 6mb, o limite são 25mb, por favor, façam algo a respeito

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  11. Hi folks - checked with Twitch chat support and first they tried to blame every viewer's settings. Obviously this is wrong as my notifications are the only ones this happens with. Twitch continues to not update my stream titles, still saying that I'm performing my Charlie Brown Christmas Special. It's now May. Let's fix this, shall we?

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  12. Tengo los requisitos paar el afiliado completados, pero lo de promedio de espectadores creo que se a bugueado ya que me sale 2.9/3 pero aparte me han dado un logro que ya habia conseguido eso, asi que quisiera saber si ya lo tengo o e de hacer alguna cosa mas

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  13. FORM DAC7 doesnt work correctly. When i try to put my VAT number there, that form report me is incorrect. Czech Republic

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  14. El problema q tengo es q cuando hago el directo sale todo perfecto pero cuando termino, al ir y revisar los videos estan sin audio, no sale nada... quisiera saber a q se debe

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  15. im trying to upload and i cant even tho im a affiliate help plz

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  16. When I scroll down the list of followed channels and recommended channels on the left side of the screen if I hit the bottom of the list while scrolling it just sends me to the top again. This is really annoying when a stream catches my eye at the bottom of the list and I scroll down to see it only to have to make 4 attempts because I accidentally touch the bottom and I get sent to the top of the list again. I cant tell you how many times I just gave up and went back to a…

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  17. si on active la synthèse vocale les alertes ne s'affichent plus dans streamlabs

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  18. Under "Clips I've Created," the trash can icon is gone. Where did it go? Why is it missing? How do I now delete a clip that I no longer need?

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  19. VOD expiration dates seem arbitrary. VODs from streams done LESS THAN A WEEK AGO are expiring, but VODs from MONTHS AGO are just now starting to expire. I took a screenshot that you can see here:

    Please fix this issue. Thank you.

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  20. a disgraça do alerta de conteudo adulto esta impedindo deu eu ver um streemer por que ela não aparece para eu aceitar e tambem não deicha eu ver a porra da live tem que aver outra maneira de ativar e desativar conteudo adulto niguem se importa com essa disgraça todo mundo aceita sem nem ler isso se é para aparecer era par aser uma configuração permanente para não aconteceser esses erro que não ajuda em anda o joãozinho menor de idade vai acessar e pronto

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