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37 results found

  1. There are currently whispers that Twitch is planning to remove the rerun feature. I can provide a reasonable case why this feature should remain. I'm sure there are many communities who utilise this feature to come together and watch broadcasts outside of their time-zone, and have seen as much from twitter. I, and many others, view reruns for a different reason. We're a part of Reckful's community, many in our community only interact in chat during the reruns his Editors put on for us from time to time.

    Not only do these reruns facilitate us to remember and celebrate the…

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  2. Live vs Reruns

    i think it should be made cleared when a chanel is on a rerun, it shouldn't say "LIVE"
    A way that i think they could help new streamers, or lew viewercount streamers overall is to have two subcategories, Live and Reruns.
    this would let streamers that are live have a chance to grow.

    on the asmr category it's getting out of hands the amount of reruns, youtubecompilations and bots. and we can't do anything about it too. i've reported multiple channels but they are still there, even getting into front page. it's sad to see how the…

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  3. Can we please list pre-recorded content as re runs, or create a new catagory as it's wrong to list is as Live, it's doing a diservice to the streamers who make the effort to sit in front of their PC's broadcasting live content and it's killing their channels, especially the ASMR catagory.

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  4. 50 votes

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  5. Hello, now, in 2022, there is a huge problem in the asmr category, 70% of streamers began to issue pre-recorded videos for real ones and play them for 40 hours, I think it is forbidden to do this! It became difficult for a real streamer to stream because the category is full of records, please stop streaming the recording and pass them off as a real stream.

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  6. When a channel starts a Vodcast followers shouldn't get an e-mail notification saying the channel is live. There should at least be an option to disable Vodcast notifications.

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  7. I would like the idea to schedule reruns to start at specific times. It would make it easier for creators who know they are going to be away from home (for example, at TwitchCon) or when managers of their dashboard can't start a rerun due to other obligations (for example, also at TwitchCon). The old premier feature allowed you to schedule uploaded content, a similar time system could be implemented for scheduling the current rerun feature.
    Could add two buttons to the existing rerun interface:
    - Start the rerun queue later. [Insert Drop-down list for date/time]
    - Start Rerun Now!

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  8. Doing daily reruns is a great way to grow. However, sending out notifications daily for reruns will make people turn off their notifications. Which is why this change is important.

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  9. When I travel, I expect that I'm not engaging my audience and that I'll lose viewers/subs/etc. The rerun functionality right now is a way to give viewers a reason to hang out while watching content - but it's too hard to do. Someone has to manually manage each days list of videos, manually start it, manually start it, and frequently communicate in chat that it's not in fact a live stream.

    Here's how I believe it'd be solved and would increase streamer quality of life:

    1) Allow the scheduled start and stop of Re-Run playlists.

    2) When scheduling the stop,…

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  10. I cannot find where to start a rerun now that the new changes have been implemented. The dashboard spot got removed and it's not in the list anymore to re-add it to the dashboard. The only trace of reruns I can find is the new check box in the stream info manager.

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  11. It would be helpful for channels especially NON-Affiliates who want to rebroadcast either their past broadcast stream to bring in more people to the channel or even rebroadcast highlighted content. It would expand the viewership of people because sometimes you can have a rerun playing for a different time-zone than when you stream. so if you would allow NON-Affiliated channels to be allowed the rerun feature again

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  12. when you go to the "live" section there are some "repetitions" running, this make no sense,

    maybe them can have its own category as "repetition"

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  13. The new dashboard doesn't allow to edit the list of reruns while streaming. Therefore, I need to completely stop my rerun, waste some minutes preparing the new list and then start the rerun again. The previous dashboard didn't lock up the rerun list while streaming.

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  14. Can you please bring back reruns for small Twitch streamers.

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  15. Have an option in the auto host section to not allow vodcasts to be hosted. If you want to manually host, fine. I also feel that vodcasts should be in their own category.

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  16. For years we (TheNORMIChannel) were providing educational, PSAs, and interviews about the Indoor Air Quality Industry as reruns because of work schedules of our audience. Now that you removed the rerun option, the information we provide is being limited by Twitch. I think since Covid you would agree Breathing is an important item. In any case, I fail to see how you put the importance of young girls talking while barely wearing anything over the thousands that watch our reruns about their environments and the technologies that can improve them. I understand that you run a business, but shame on…

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  17. I don't know where to find the answer to this but am i the only one who lost the ability to run reruns? theres nothing online about this subject and one day i just lost my rerun quick button

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  18. ReRuns (Wiederholungen) sollten bei Twitch eindeutig auch als ReRuns gekennzeichnet sein. Bei Twitch werden alle Kanäle egal ob der Streamer live oder ob es eine 24/7 (ReRun) Dauerübertragung ist, als Live dargestellt. In der Kanalübersicht links nicht zu unterscheiden. Erst wenn der Kanal aufgerufen wird, sieht man um was es sich handelt. Es kann also passieren das man eine ganze Weile nur auf Wiederholungen stößt bevor man dann wirklich einen Live Kanal mit dem Streamer findet. Hinzu kommt das kleinere Streamer die wirklich live sind benachteiligt werden und somit auch weniger Beachtung bekommen.

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  19. It feels like an oversight that chat replays aren't visible during reruns! My viewers have repeatedly pointed out that it's weird to watch a streamer talk with and react to a chat that isn't there.

    It would be great to have the chat replay as a toggleable button in the chat window, with old replayed chat messages colored grey, so viewers could easily distinguish between the chat replay and the current live chat!

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  20. Constant comments talking to streamer and have to be told that it is a re-run and not live.

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