On further investigation, and comments in the forum at https://discuss.dev.twitch.tv/t/is-mode-still-shown-to-irc-clients/24942/9 , maybe the MODE command doesn't even work anymore? I have not seen it in any of my testing. Your apparently very-loyal twitch developer base seems surprised when I expected this to work in the manner described in documentation :) Maybe this command is no longer supported and needs to be removed entirely from the documentation? Thanks again for looking into this. I'm happy to help test anything if it will help, please let me know. Thanks!
On further investigation, and comments in the forum at https://discuss.dev.twitch.tv/t/is-mode-still-shown-to-irc-clients/24942/9 , maybe the MODE command doesn't even work anymore? I have not seen it in any of my testing. Your apparently very-loyal twitch developer base seems surprised when I expected this to work in the manner described in documentation :) Maybe this command is no longer supported and needs to be removed entirely from the documentation? Thanks again for looking into this. I'm happy to help test anything if it will help, please let me know. Thanks!