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    Uber_Dragon commented  · 

    Very bad decision if Twitch actually wants to go through with removing moments.

    I can already guarantee that it will noticeably reduce how much I watch and interact with some streams.

    No more "I guess I should stick around for a while longer to not miss a moment" which turns into 3 hours.

    No more chat hype for moments whenever something exciting happens.

    What a shame, Twitch, I'm sincerely disappointed.

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    Uber_Dragon commented  · 

    Moments are one of (if not the) best feature to have ever been added to twitch. Scrolling through all the tweets, it's very apparent that almost everyone falls in one of 3 categories: A Loved and used moments either a lot or occasionally (both which in my opinion is an equally good use of the feature); B Didn't have them and wanted them; C Didn't know they existed.

    I know just going through the tweets will give a somewhat tainted perspective on the matter, but I really struggled to find a single comment from someone who knew about the feature but was indifferent about it. That in my opinion still says a ton!

    As someone who spends probably upwards of 8+ hours every day on twitch from a viewer perspective, I can assure you that I have not experienced any other twitch feature which had this amount of people excited about it. People asked for moments, people stuck around longer than they would because they wanted to be there for moments, people were actively finding out whether they missed a moment or not and got upset if they had just switched from desktop to mobile and missed the moment because of it.

    The reason why moments were so good is because rarely ever do we get features added to twitch anymore that aren't very directly aimed at having people open their wallets. Yes, if you try to measure how much moments make for twitch you'll probably not find any stats that suggest they're valuable for that reason. But they're in fact amazing: Moments and moment badges finally gave a passionate viewer who might not want or can't afford to subscribe all the time feel like they're getting some form of recognition for their dedication. They keep them more engaged, making sure they come back and stick around and most importantly engage with the communities they're associated with.

    Instead of removing moments, consider improving them and making them more accessible:

    1. Give more people access (who would have guessed that someone who seeks out to have this feature might use it more than a streamer who was randomly selected, got maybe one e-mail about having access which they never read and then just continued their streams as usual)

    2. Give streamers the ability to adjust the associated clip later on (It's very frequent that by the time you realize you should make this a moment the actual 'moment' is already not going to be part of the clip anymore, which discourages them from pressing the moment button. By letting them adjust the clip later on this would become a non-issue)

    3. Consider extending the feature to make it more meaningful. A badge is already cool, but an amazing commonly discussed idea I have seen is to give channels moment-badge-emotes. Basically give streamers additional emote-slots that viewers can unlock by getting a high-tier moments badge on their channel. Can you imagine how many people would be excited about moments if they could unlock a couple special emotes by being a dedicated viewer? I can.

    4. Make moment distribution better/more consistent. It's very common for people who were actively watching and chatting to somehow still miss out on the pop-up that lets them claim their moment. Sometimes they get the moment hours later, but other times it's just gone, which is a shame.

    5. Give streamers a way to have more than 5 moments/month. A ton of streamers put a lot of hours into streaming and for them 5 moments is often not enough, it's in fact so few that I know a ton of streamers who either got very picky with what they want to make a moment or they couldn't make a good moment a moment because they had already ran out of moments for the month. Rather than giving just 5 moments flat, consider letting channels choose from a selection, where choosing fewer or more moments per month will also adjust the moment-badge-tier progression, so that a channel with just 5 moments/month max won't have significantly less high-tier moments-badge holders compared to a 15 moments/month channel.

    So now that you know why moments are great and what still needs to be improved about them. Please twitch, don't kill the one good feature you added in the past 4 years.

    Uber_Dragon supported this idea  ·