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Creators and Stream Features



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103 results found

  1. Mediante una encuesta el viewer vota a qué canal prefiere ser redirigido. Los que no voten irán al main option elegido por el streamer.

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  2. We're experimenting with Raids on Mobile! This feature will be rolling out to a limited number of users this week. These Android and iOS users will see a new Quick Action called “Raid Channel” in the Stream Manager on the mobile app. From here, users can search through live channels they follow, or search for any live channel using the search bar in the raid panel.

    We'd love to hear your feedback on this experiment. Please upvote and comment your suggestions for us here!

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  3. So for raids we can now set it so people have to have 'meet the following requirements' in order to raid, so minimum viewers;etc, and we also have threshold criteria to be meet also BUT - we should have also exceptions that bypass this criteria and/or requirements for example:
    -people who have been subbed to you in the past 3 months or more; so, if someone in your community starts streaming and you don't know they can raid you
    - or like if you follow them they can always raid you
    - or they are in your stream team they…

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  4. Make it so you can change whether or not you want to auto join raids or not

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  5. It will cut down on mispelling names when RAIDING other channels.

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  6. A simple pair of slash commands for the new "Stop Raids for 1 Hour" quick action on the stream manager would be incredibly useful.

    Something like /raidstop and /raidallow would be quick and easy ways to use this feature directly from twitch chat.

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  7. Raid accessible without a streamer. Viewers load into a chat session and get casted to a streamer. Raid only party that joins a streamer at random even with 0 followers.

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  8. Since the host feature was taking away we also lost the ability for people to know who you have raided because you are no longer hosting the channel.

    So now since this feature was taken its seems that when you raid out people are stuck in the chat when everyone else was sent with the raid.

    Can this be fixed people want to stay for the raid and go to the next streamer!!!

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  9. The request is to give Twitch viewers an account option (intended for Broadcasters and their moderators to use while browsing) which allows you to see/Display and Filter your searches for other streams on "Channel raidability" information from the regular Directory pages on Twitch while browsing and searching for streams based on various combinations of Tags and Game category.

    Also expand the /streams API endpoint to indicate whether Live streams' allow raids by the specified broadcaster, And if so.. what the minimum and maximum number of viewers are and what their restriction options are in order to raid.

    Basically provide a…

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  10. Have an option for recommended channels to raid.

    Reduces raid search time. Increases algorithm connections for possible stronger community.

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  11. In the Creator Dashboard create a setting that allows the incoming Raid chat accouchement to be Broadcaster/Mod View only, or auto replaced by a /Shoutout prompt.

    If you are a Broadcaster, who has no Raid limits set (because that choice is anti-Discoverability for a growing channel) then there should be other safeguard options in place to help with 1-10 viewer Raids which may entirely be coming from Offline channels.

    So, to help with excessive chat spam and keep chat focused on it own conversation flow, there should be an option to mark Twitch genenerated chat messages as Broadcaster/Mod view only.…

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  12. Streamers should only be able to raid other Streamers with fewer followers.

    This should help boost smaller streamers, allow them a chance to gain more attention and the possibility to get new followers.

    Discoverability on Twitch is terrible, I think this feature would certainly help smaller streamers.

    I always see really small streamers who raid a streamer thats much larger than them and it doesn't help the large streamer, or the small streamer grow their channels.

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  13. I think this happens because the viewer is say 5 seconds behind the live stream, but when the streamer starts the raid, it switches channel immediately, before their stream finishes.

    The result is: The viewer doesn't hear what the original streamer says at the end of their stream. It jumps to the raid before they have finished saying goodbye!

    For a smoother viewing experience, I suggest delaying the viewer's switch to the raided channel, to account for their delay, so they get to see the end of the original stream.

    (This won't really affect the arrival, since raided channels don't…

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  14. 1 vote

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  15. I've noticed that many streamers won't Raid even though it's good for the growth of other streamers and also Twitch by keeping people on the app longer and more likely to see more ads.

    If they received income from the advertising, which they are sending people directly into advertising so they should benefit from that, they may be more likely to help everyone, too, as another incentive.

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  16. As title, viewer count isn't representative of chat count. Because of that Raids are usually smaller than the viewer count shown on stream. It'll help in some data analysis for some streamers.

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  17. I raid from the stream manager a lot of times, to quickly choose one of the people I follow. But in order to know for how long they've been streaming (and not raid someone that's about to end), I always need to open another tab, look for their stream, and check.

    It would be very useful to have their uptime next to the amount of people watching them :)

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  18. The streamer who raids will appear highlighted or otherwise. They could appear with a box around their name as "first time chatters" do, perhaps denoted as "Recent Raider" or simply "Raider".

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  19. Popular streamers instructing their viewers to go grief another streamer should be means for at least a suspension, & in some cases a permanent ban. I'm using hal as an example because he's a big streamer & its a recent one. TSM_ImperialHal had his chat go and grief another streamer over his appearance because he landed on him in a video game. He stopped his stream & they started attacking the guys girlfriend. There wound up being death threats sent to the poor guy. No action taken against hal. Its the most petty & childish thing but it happens regularly…

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  20. The ability to raid a fellow streamer and have your cam feed displayed on their channel. Obviously with the raided streamer being notified the the “raider wants to share their cam” which can be accepted or denied or auto set to only allow cam raids from those you know or over a certain number of viewers raiding only visible for a certain amount of time etc. This would be a great benefit to introduce the streamers to not only each other but other viewers too. So much better than the raider being restricted to chat only. Thanks

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