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Video Performance



185 results found

  1. Here in India, we don't have twitch prime and also we don't have any twitch server even though India is one the largest marketing countries. Lack of services in india forces them to move to YouTube for live streaming. Nearest server from india in Hong Kong and you need a really really good internet to just stream. Streaming on twitch is almost impossible for Indians.

    Closest server to mumbai is in France, marsielle, which has bandwidth of 3500 kbps and ping is 130ms, quality is 60.

    Please do something help Indian streamers out there.

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  2. Disable video and only listen like mobile works

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  3. My idea is the possibility to select en "HIGHEST quality preference when auto quality mode is active" in order to reduce the number of times it tries to get to a higher quality but my connexion CAN'T follow the flux OR to reduce my flux when my stream raid another one.

    The goal is to:
    1) reduce the risk of buffering
    2) automatically reduce bandwith consumption (it can't get higher than 480p for example) when i don't need more and i'm too far to reduce it [ecological measure]

    Most of the time i look games which don't need HIGH quality…

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  4. We all know that AVC has issues with efficiency an HEVC is basically dead.
    A more modern codec would not only be great for streamers and high definition content, it would also potentially reduce the load on the servers.

    Benefits with AV1:
    - It's open source so no license costs like HEVC
    - It's much more efficient than AVC and even HEVC

    Benefits of Opus:
    - Basically the same as AV1

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  5. The video player will buffer causing a long "Latency To Broadcaster" when the streamer has intermittent connectivity issues. For desktop streamers this is usually not a problem. This is a nuisance for viewers watching IRL streamers who are streaming on less reliable mobile connections. Who wants to watch a stream where the "Latency To Broadcaster" is over 30s? or even 10s?

    I have to open the "Video Stats" menu with every stream I watch to keep an eye on the "Latency To Broadcaster" to make sure I'm not too far behind the live stream. Nothing wrong with my internet connection.…

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  6. A way to reset or reset the video when it freezes without refreshing the whole page and losing the chat. This is especially important to moderators who might have to keep an eye on the chat but also need to refresh a frozen twitch video. Frankerfacez had a feature but it is lost with the new highwind player.

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  7. Dear Sirs,

    I am from Karachi, Pakistan and I am unable to stream properly on twitch as i get high latency on it so please launch Middle east /Pakistani servers for twitch. Due to the unavailability of these servers. I am either directed to Mumbai, Singapore or EU servers on which i get 140ms plus ping if there will be middle east servers. I will be getting around 10 to 40ms ping which would be perfectly fine for low latency streams.

    As Pakistan is the 6th most populated country in the world and the increase in gamers/streamers in Pakistan is…

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  8. When in dark mode and the streamer disconnects I am blasted with the White and purple disconnect image. Make a version that detects if I have dark mode enable IE grey or black and purple so I don't lose my eyes when a sudden flash of white light burns my retinas.

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  9. I can't speak for everyone, but 160p is by far the worst looking, and sounding, quality. For those with terrible internet speeds, that's fine, but I'm totally fine with my video 30 seconds behind the streamer over this terrible quality that's coming in regardless of what quality I put it at (as it automatically downgrades to 160p if it can't handle it, heavens forbid we put you 15 seconds behind the streamer). I just want the ability to tell twitch on my side, once and for all, NO 160P QUALITY FOR ME.

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  10. the x265 encoder is barely mainstream right now, it doubles the quality at half the cost. it would be nice to cut the bitrate value in half while maintaining the same quality, making streams much easier to watch, especially for those who have slow internet, and especially for those who don't get quality options.

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  11. Please add SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) support for ingress traffic.

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  12. Remove the stream viewer options setings from the streamer. Set it globally at all times for all channels to the viewer to choose the quality 1080p, 720p, 360p, and 160p. It is a well known fact not everyone has a connection that can handle 1080p and 720p. When you remove the option from the viewers you're also setting a precedent that you only want fast connections to connect. Undermining your business bottom line. Streamers never should be able to determine which quality the viewer needs.

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  13. this would allow video quality options to spread out more evenly rather than just the 5 100K streamers. i would prefer either, but if 720p was reserved as the middle man for anything above 1080p that'd be great thanks!

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  14. After a brief "spike" in the connectivity that causes buffering (often at twitch end) there is no way to "recover" the buffer.
    Reducing delays between streamer and viewer is obviously a good thing that Twitch has worked to minimise, however, being suddenly thrown tens of seconds behind "real time" because of a spike offers no means of recovery - one can refresh the page and lose those 30 seconds of content, however, it would be nice if there was an option to "speed up" playback by 1-5% so that the delay is eroded until we catch back up with minimum…

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  15. When watching a stream (or VOD), the existing quality options are fantastic! But sometimes I wish I could tell auto what aspect of the stream I want prioritized and just let it pick what's best for that priority.

    I imagine a submenu that says

    Auto > Prefer:

    • Quality (default): Whatever looks good at my current player dimensions and my computer and internet connection can handle.

    • Low latency: Even if it sometimes means I see a lower quality image for a while, I care about every millisecond. Find the fastest quality level that my internet connection and/or PC can reliably decode

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  16. Please please give us either more widely available transcoding, or an audio only mode across all devices(aka pc&mac)

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  17. It would be great if you guys could set an African, or South African, server up at some point in the not-too-distant future. I live in South Africa and have a really hard time streaming to any of the EU, let alone the NA or Asian ones. Currently YouTube has streaming servers here but it just isn't the same streaming to YouTube Gaming. The Twitch community is what makes it what it is and not being able to run a stable stream from here in South Africa turns so many would-be streamers away from potential bright futures on We…

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  18. I've been uploading old vods for the purpose of vodcasting on a channel I'm editor for for the last week, and long muted sections have been a recurring problem. It takes hours to upload and process a vod, just to find out that long sections are muted and there's nothing I can do about them at vodcast time.

    Some suggestions
    1. When vods are vodcasted, play them unmuted (since they aren't archived anyway and are essentially canned live broadcasts)
    2. Allow a way to quickly remove muted sections from a vod
    3. Provide editors the ability to fast-forward through vods…

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    Planned  ·  Kevin Pan responded

    Agreed that the muting experience is not ideal right now. We will look into this, but lots of things to build and improve for Twitch VODs.

  19. From April 19th on, Deutsche Telekom will offer zero-rating in germany (much like 'Binge On' by T-Mobile US).
    Twitch's parent company, Amazon, already is a partner (with Amazon Prime Video) from day 1. YouTube will also be a partner from day 1.

    I enjoy watching twitch while on the train, but it eats LOTS of data - this would greatly help, as fast LTE is usually no problem. This will also get you parity with 'YT Gaming' in this regard - the twitch mobile app is much better than YT Gaming in general, but the zero-rated 1080p stream wins...

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  20. My internet is not that bad, but it spikes alot, so i tend to watch on medium to high. But with this autosetting, when i dont have spikes for 15 seconds it gives Source quality and instantly after fist spikes it goes into buffer and sometimes it even loads ad after buffering

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