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  1. 32 votes

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    8 comments  ·  Chat » Users in Chat  ·  Admin →
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    Anonymous commented  · 

    It's called logging out of twitch, you derp.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    This idea is simultaneously insulting and bloody brilliant. Who the actual fuck would subscribe to such a stream? Elitists, that's who. Hey, they've got more money than the rest of us, rite? Or- no, that's 'elites'. Wait. What if the elites are the ones with the pasta?! OMG, THAT ANON WHO DONATES HUNDREDS PER MONTH-- HE'S THE ASCII PENIS POSTER #whathaveidone

  3. 234 votes

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    Planned  ·  6 comments  ·  Chat » Feature Request  ·  Admin →
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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Overheard Twitch staff discussing this in the alleyway near their HQ. Seems they'v'n't quite figured that all out yet. Fortunately, many streamers seem to have picked up the habit of overlaying their chat on all their streams, as more realized how integral their chat is to the ~*stream experience*~

  4. 15 votes

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Cool idea, but a bit unecessary, considering that if someone is speedrunning half-life (probs cirno, amirite) and someone else is doing casual runs next to him, you'll probably be able to figure it out pretty quick. Oversaturated titles like League or CSGO could use catergorization, though. I've no clue how.

  5. 19 votes

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    1) This is the internet. No one can ban anyone from simply seeing a stream, though Twitch IP bans to users do, in fact, prevent login, as well as viewing ANY CHANNEL ON THEIR WEBSITE. There are ways around this, ofc, because Twitch can't stalk someone outside of their own website, to make sure they can't see your channel.

    2) If you have a conflict with a partnered streamer, you need to contact support. Obviously the fact that this person is part of twitch's profit margin will be a factor, so it'd be helpful if you are a partner as well. If you aren't, either apply now, or consider partnering to another hosting site. Twitch takes care of whoever makes them the most money.

  6. 198 votes

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    You guys don't understand how things work on the server end. I don't either, but htbx for example has a different infastructure to support 1080p60. Twitch may not be able to. Seems their source is 720p60. High is 720p30, med 480p30, and low 360p30. Mobile idk, audio only is self-explanatory

  7. 924 votes

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    Relevant Update  ·  Ana responded

    We apply IP bans in Chat based on users' Moderation actions in certain cases. We don't currently plan to publicize the logic we use because we think it would make it easier for bad actors to bypass the restriction.

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    The question then becomes, why & how does htbx have the IPs of all logged in chatters, whilst Twitch, perhaps, does not? It'd seem they don't even know a streamer's IP unless u hand it over to them. Source: once got a channel ban, contested it, gave them my IP only to receive IP ban, lol. Neat trick

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    Anonymous commented  · 

    Breh. (or sis, Keepo) htbx already has this