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    Thank you for raising this, we've been discussing with our community on Discord as well that have raised similar concerns. 

    We're looking at expanding our coverage of wiki beyond specifically wikia or fandom. 

    We're currently researching to update our guidelines, and changes on the site (logos, wording) will be reflected accordingly. 


    azgoodaz shared this idea  · 
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    azgoodaz shared this idea  · 
  3. 205 votes

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    azgoodaz commented  · 

    This is a horrible idea. And will cause a lot of hate within the community.

    Just take this to the console side on Xbox Live and PSN (even though they are not related to Twitch). Xbox Live nor PSN do not have expiration dates for usernames. Why? Because people are probably absent for X amount of months/years due to work, family issues, and/or active in the military. So now, what if one day you came back from the military, you sign back on Xbox Live or PSN 4 years later to play Video Games with your friends and it says "Sorry, you were inactive for over 1 year and someone took your gamertag. Free of charge on us, you can now pick a new Gamertag/id."

    Best way to go around this is to go by cleaning up accounts that have signed up on the site with fake emails aka bots and delete their username/account.

    If you are mad that someone took your username. Then make a better one because its not original then.