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  1. 7 votes

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    SFGTvee shared this idea  · 
  2. 3,131 votes

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    SFGTvee commented  · 

    I dont like the Idea the way Twitch takes a ratio of hours streamed to create your average viewers or chatters..this algarithum is broken! Its no where close to fair, or accurate! So what im saying is if i only streamed 8 hrs as required i would be well above the limit needed to be affiliate..but because i stream many hours everyday my average is only 0.34 average when ive had raids , over 20 viewers at once for extended periods etc.. but my average because of time streamed is 0.34 viewers because of time streamed..You guys have to fix this. especially when you have a required time duration that requires us to stream for a said period of time to qualify. I shouldnt have to cut my streams short just to bring the average up..its nonsense and needs to be changed please! I have and many have worked hard to stride this average viewer count hurdle and the we see, (cause we streamed for alot of time)=(Commitment)then we see our average gets shot all to heck and keeps us out of the affiliate or partner program. Is this a scam by twitch? It kinda feels like it. Im just saying..this needs to be addressed ASAP for everyone. Please change this! Thanks for your time and support.

    SFGTvee supported this idea  · 
  3. 2,353 votes

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    SFGTvee supported this idea  ·