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114 results found

  1. Add simple sorting options for redemption queue in moderator and streamer view. Particularly the ability to sort the redemption list by most recent.
    Highly active redemptions can quickly stack up many pages in the history, and clicking through sets of 50 for something in the multiple hundreds or even thousands is both slow and causes browser lag. A simple drop down and "sort by most recent" would solve these problems and increase convenience.

    One streamer I moderate for is chronically anxious about rejecting or completing the history, and has hundreds of thousands of entries in the queues going back years.…

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  2. The new feature that allows people to tag creators in the channel title does not currently work in Mod View. Having that not visible in the title in Mod View makes the feature feel like it's not working and if a mod happened to want to look more into the creators that are being tagged, they would have to manually search for that creator or find them in the viewer list (which, there is no guarantee that someone being featured on the stream would be in the viewer list) which defeats the purpose of having the feature in the first…

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  3. Using latest Chrome browser edition, i'm unable to do /slash commands, @, or reply to specific chats; basically anything that has a popup overlay in Mod View. This happened after /shoutout was pushed live on the service. I'm able to do all these things in normal channel chat view.

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  4. I am a moderator for quite a few channels. But I have a huge issue with the mod view interface. It is designed poorly by twitch, this is an example of the issue:

    Can you make adjustments to the following sections ?

    Section 1: please make this smaller? It does not need to be that **** huge. I do not care to see someone's twitch banner. All I need to see is the text. Shown.
    Section 2: it is impossible to resize to be able to see someone's past messages. It is very difficult to use as a moderator.…

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  5. Flashing panels on mod view when using Safari 15.5 on macOS 12.4

    The panels from the mod view that overlay the stream start flashing making it impossible to interact with them or even see their content

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  6. Moderators and long term watchers are marked with "Suspicious User monitored by" followed by nothing. There does not appear to be any ban evasion or similar involved, and no reason is given. Users marked as suspicious in this way do not appear in Suspicious User Activity. Seems to only occur when using channel point redeems.

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  7. Please add a tooltip to popup to show the name of the Category when hovering the mouse over the Category image in Mod View.

    The name of the Category can popup on the mouse in the same way the tooltips popup when hovering over the docked widgets.

    The Category image is small and sometimes it is not always noticeable what the game is by looking at the small picture.

    Currently you need to click to open the category page or look at the URL destination in the browser to confirm the name of the Category when hovering over the Category…

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  8. Now that they are using bot accounts to spam the same message in a channel (and most of them are disgusting messages) it should be correct to add a ON/OFF button in "Moderator Panel > Chat Actions" so we are able to easily activate the unique mode in chat, so the spam will have less impact in the chat. We know we have the command, but a button is always easier, and most of moderators don't know all chat commands.

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  9. Save/add unban request messages as part of the user's records. This promotes consistent moderation and transparency for streamer and moderators, especially when responsibilities are disseminated.

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  10. Certain channel-specific actions and stats are shown in Stream Manager and not Mod View which could be helpful to consolidate down to one location. Adding the option to see a live Viewer Count and Follower Count for instance such as in Stream Manager mode or having channel Quick Actions be brought over to Mod View for editors could save a lot of frustration when switching between the tabs to run ad breaks or organize raids at the end of stream.

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  11. There should be the ability for broadcasters to edit moderation history. Private blocked terms should not be visible to mods once the broadcaster unblocks them and there should be a way to delete or edit previous logs in mod history for the security and safety of the streamer. I have seen many other streamers with this problem who are now afraid to take on new mods because of the access they could potentially have to private information.

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  12. As title says, on a large 4k monitor the default font size can be just a little bit too small. Having the same options as chat font scaling would fix this issue.

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  13. Ich bin Moderator in einigen Streams und mir ist es leider schon oft passiert, dass wenn ich eine Nachricht löschen oder den User timeouten wollte, genau in dem Moment der Chat eine weitere Zeile nach oben rutscht und ich den falschen User erwische und ich diesen zu unrecht bestrafe.
    Wie wäre es wenn man als Moderator über den chat hovered, und der Chat dann stoppt/freezed damit das Problem nicht mehr auftaucht.

    Ich hoffe ich konnte meine Idee gut erklären und würde mich freuen wenn sie eines tages umgesetzt wird.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

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  14. Why not have all available mod actions on the mod view? Or does that make too much sense?
    Mods have to exit mod view to clear chat which a mod action.
    To avoid accidents the "Clear Chat" option could be placed in the menu above.

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  15. We need to be able to arrange users in chat by account creation date, user name ect. Thx.

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  16. We should be able to customize the

    "Enter a reason for your unban" message and "help hints"

    Example use case: a channel would describe what they expect the user to do in the field in order to apply for a unban correctly.

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  17. Streamers and Mods should be required to allow at least two communications with chat banned users seeking an explanation for the ban/seeking to be reinstated. The only exception to this would be if a mod or streamer feels another request for lifting the ban should be allowed. Failure to communicate with the banned user should result in loss of Affiliate or Partner status because they failed to represent what Twitch is, how chat bans work.

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  18. As a mod there have been times where I have banned someone and then later wanted to unban them, however I sometimes forget the username of the user I ban. There should be a channel setting where you can go to and see the list of everyone who's currently banned at the stream, which would make it easier to find the person I'm looking for and unban them

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  19. Users should be searchable so if off stream or not there can search by their name or partial name etc. Currently the only way to view chat messages if stream not live or person there is if a message has been deleted, recent follow,gift/bits etc. It isn't always possible to remember a name if discussing it later on. For example if someone hasn't been to a stream for a while, can use command if know name to check last there but provides nothing clickable to view chat. If shoutout etc that doesn't either, should be a basic feature to have…

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  20. 1 vote

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