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114 results found

  1. While setting up my "permitted terms and phrases" I didn't click "private" when saving and my private information was sitting in the mod action panel with no way (or advice) to fix it. I wish there was a way I could have cleared that one specific action so none of my mods could see the private information I was trying to block.

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  2. When there are multiple mods on a channel and some of them attempt to timeout the same person via the user profile info box at the same time, what tends to happen is the mods will timeout the user and untimeout them immediately after. When the user is in timeout, the untimeout button appears exactly where the "10s" "1m" "10m" "30m" timeout buttons used to be. It would be very helpful if the untimeout button did not appear where the timeout buttons used to be. Maybe even add a 1-2 second delay on how fast someone can time the same…

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  3. It would be fantastic to get some additional controls for the Unban Request system including:
    -Timeouts (x submissions in x time - to override the 1 max by the system)
    -Minimum ban time to submit ban appeal (if we just banned them we should be able to avoid them submitting a request a minute later - they'll use their one unban request up by doing this)
    -Ability to add notes/instructions for users

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  4. Often times if a disagreement has happened between viewer and steamer, the streamer will bring up a users chat history, while a mod or themselves mutes the viewer, giving them no way to respond. I can understand on principal that this may be good towards preventing escalations, but it feels cruel to the user. An indicator showing they have left viewing, can indicate that the streamer is effectively not talking to the person. Duck tape the mouth, but not the legs, so they can see you leave the room. I think targeted harassment would decrease.

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  5. it will be better if moderators can delete their own message on the chat.

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  6. Save mod settings to our account instead of using cookies so we may clean our browsers history daily for security proposes with out having to rearrange mod view every time we visit a channel we mod or daily per channel in this case. Thx.

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  7. I moderate two twitch channels while I play along side the streamers that I moderate for and the community that I moderate. I use my android tablet to keep twitch chat open so I don't have to stop being a moderator while I'm full screen in game (I only have one monitor). It would be a massive help if there was a way to have the chat fill up the whole screen on my tablet instead of just a small portion, maybe with full mod mode features if possible.

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  8. Currently in Mod View, we can see the Users In Chat list under Channel Tools. If I want to inspect an individual User Card, I either filter or scroll down to their name, and I can click on it to pop up the User Card on top of the viewer list. From here I have the option to pop out the User Card to a separate window, but this resets the Users In Chat list to unfiltered and scrolled to the top. If I just close the User Card rather than popping it out, this also resets the Users In…

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  9. When mod view was first released, raids did not pull a moderator out of mod view.

    While the user could choose to leave the raid, it may be best if the default behaviour was to not leave the current channel when a raid occurs while the user has mod view up as a moderator for the channel.

    By carrying the moderator away with the raid, they lose chat and history from closing mod view, as well as any actions they had not completed. As mod view does not retain much information asynchronously (this has improved a bit), being pulled out…

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  10. Your changes to mod view makes no sense.
    • Stream looks smaller
    • You made a huge top bar to display the stream session time. Not even 30% of the bar is used. It's sole purpose is to make the stream smaller.

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  11. When "/user" lookup we can have Messages, Timeouts, Bans, Mod Comments,

    It would be helpful to see the other places that potential chatter has been banned in other places to warn the other mods of a potential risk.

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  12. Many streamers have added personal information as a blocked term, and have since removed it. All this private information is shown to all of their moderators. Hence allowing every moderator to know more than they should. Yes there is a way to make a blocked term private, but deleting these terms still shows the blocked terms to all moderators, new and old.

    There should be a way for the streamer to hide these actions from the moderators, or have a way to delete them. If people don't want the action to be seen as if it didn't happen, then allow…

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  13. After a certain amount of time (seems random at this point), certain heavily used emotes will disappear out of the channel emotes section.

    The only way I know how to fix it is to refresh the entire page. Obviously being a mod I could miss bad actors, so I end up duplicating the tab to be safe.

    I know this bug affects other moderators as well, so it isn't just limited to my system.

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  14. This is already a thing in the stream manager and it would be very useful if when a mod is in mod view they do not need to watch ad breaks while moderating a channel.

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  15. The website is useful, but it is limited to 100 channels and randomly. I can see 100 channels there, ok, but several other channels like that are not there. For example, now three partner channels are online and they don't appear there for me, some with partner and without are there at the same time. I don't know the requirements to go there, but there are channels that have been online for more than 2 hours and are not in the middle or at the top of the list. It doesn't appear anywhere.
    The moderation tool in the moderator…

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  16. Since the mod view is generally a small player it would be nice to add a panel style extension to the mod view which can be dragged and dropped on to the mod view.

    This would allow mods to use third party tools without having to open another browser tab. They can stay focused on chat and moderating without switching back and forth.

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  17. For quite some time, I've been a mod of a channel that has been receiving harassment from people, they arrive with fake accounts (wich nicknames are obviously written to disturb the chat) and follow the channel for their name to be noticed, and it's no use to ban these accounts if they keep coming with new fresh-made fake/bot accounts.

    If they are banned they can keep watching the stream and follow the channel which is kind of useless. A way to prevent these people to return needs to be worked.

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  18. Looking that most of the times can happen that arrives foreign spect, setting a main language of the channel(for example italian), the mod view could be integrated the chance to translate the message, example english, chinese, japanese, russian or others ensure that to delete offensive messages received.

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  19. Please add a "Create Clip" - button to mod view. Mods also like to create clips.

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  20. I think it would be nice if there was a way to have a log (or even just a count) of how many users you have banned (as a moderator in a channel)

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