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211 results found

  1. When a streamer is suspended, screenshots should be included of the violation. Streamers are bound to repeat the issue if the issue is not made clear.

    Multiple staff members should see the reports before a ban is decided upon. These moderators would work separately, without the influence of one another, to decide if the ban should occur or not. If both moderators do not hit 'yes' to the ban then the ban should not occur.

    An example, my latest ban happened while a Twitch Staff member was in my chat. This member did not see anything against TOS and was…

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  2. A few days I came across a creator who has his moderator in a group with other live moderators, they play on the same server as GTA V. If someone does something bad in the chat of some live, they are banned in all of them like others.

    My idea is the following: The permanent ban is not ideal for us to be making the person to have a good attitude again. Create a "prison" mode for people who made mistakes to have a chance to return to chat normally.

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  3. Undzwar wenn mann einen entbannungs antrag gesellt hat ob man den dann per Neuigkeiten bei twitch sieht ob mann Dan ahnemen kann oder ablehnen kann und da Hinweis mit schreiben kann

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  4. We need additional buttons at the bottom of the chat next to the "setting" button, such as "subscribers-only mode" and "emote-only mode" instead of open settings or type command, or turn into mod view.

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  5. i wanted more moderator options on the twitch app will this ever happen? or has it been an idea or ect

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  6. Include a setting that the streamer can set to moderate gifted subs.

    Streamers can turn on and set a threshold setting where the gifted subs need to be approved.

    Therefore, if I set my threshold to 100, that means if one user gifts more than 100, I must approve it.

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  7. Have a slow mode for subscribers.

    There is a possibility for partners to activate a setting in which all subs are immune to slow mode.

    My idea is that there are two different slow modes, one for all users (the one that already exists) and one for subs. My idea is that both are controlled either by chat commands or from mod view.

    This would be useful if you would like to give the Subscribers who are supporting you another benefit, also, as they're paying (or supporting with Prime) they probably are less likely to spam or disobey rules.


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  8. I keep "show moderation actions" turned on (adds ban/timeout/delete buttons next to names in chat) in the two channels I moderate.

    The other day I accidentally banned someone while on the chat emote menu, with a simple jiggled-mouse misclick. Turns out the tiny sliver of ban button visible on the left side of the emote/bit panels works just fine.
    I don't care whether I see it, I just don't think it should be usable. In my opinion, the only functional ban buttons should be ones with chat displayed next to them.
    I can't imagine any reason a person would reasonably…

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  9. My issue is that mod settings appear before non-mod settings. I do not use the mod settings that often, and I have sometimes cleared chat by accident.

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  10. Allow mods to highlight users so that they can see them easier in chat. This would make it easier to mod repeat offenders.

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  11. The new moderator chat feature is a really good base point for enabling moderators to do great work but can I suggest some more options for the future of this feature? Options such-as being able to search the chatlog (maybe by date or just by words) , being able to delete your mod comments, and real time refresh on the chat when were pop out mode

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