103 results found
KNRM ik zou graag de KNRM nederland zien als goed doel om voor te streamen. dit is een hulp organisatie voor op zee, zeer proffesioneel. maar draaiend op alleen giften en donateurs. de mensen die de reddingsacties uitvoeren zijn ook vrijwilligers. ik zou hier graag geld voor in kunnen zamelen. Om ze zo wat te kunnen helpen
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CHUF CHUF’s vision is to support pioneering services that will positively impact heart families, inspire hope and enable Heart Heroes to reach their full potential.
This is achieved by supporting the children and families who receive treatment by the Children’s Heart Unit based at Freeman Hospital and the many other hospitals providing care for cardiac patients throughout the North East. We raise vital funds for large and small pieces of equipment, facilities, aftercare, salaries and research. CHUF’s charitable activities go far beyond that of providing medical equipment and personnel; the charity provides holistic care to children and their families by providing…
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Darkness into Light I would like to add a charity to the list, Darkness into Light is 85% funded by fundraising events like Darkness Into Light. Last year, we raised over €4 million for people impacted by suicide and self-harm. Without our Darkness Into Light Supporters, Pieta couldn’t provide vital services to people impacted by suicide and self-harm for FREE. You can learn more about Pieta services here https://www.darknessintolight.ie/about/about-pieta-other-services.
Every person that registers will automatically receive a fundraising page. This page is here to support you with your Darkness Into Light fundraising. Share your page with friends, family, colleagues, and community members…
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Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas https://www.cnio.es/
National Oncology Investigation Centre in Spain.2 votes -
Vote to add Zoo-Verein Wuppertal e.V. to your Charity Tool On the PayPal page
With your donation you support the Zoo Society's investments in facilities and buildings at the Green Zoo, its commitment to research, nature and species conservation projects worldwide, as well as its other diverse activities for the Green Zoo Wuppertal.
I would be very pleased.
Many Thanks!
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Can't create charity program When i try to create a new donation program it still don't work
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Access to ALL creators Allow ALL creators--not just Affiliates and Partners--access to Charity. I've been notified of charity in my dashboard, but it's not available nor accessible via the link.
Regardless of contracts, supporting a charity should be available to all that wish to.
119 votes -
A request from Turkey I am not an account with thousands of followers, but I donated trees with all the money I earned so far, there was a raffle among people, etc. I want to do this on the tw platform I currently use, but I cannot find any institution on the Turkish side. Be it an animal protection association, a fight against cancer, or a theme foundation. Will there be an organization in Türkiye that we can donate to?
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Remove Hate Groups Alright Twitch, let's go on this ride again. There is a multitude of hate groups in your charity tool and it is simply unacceptable.
You claim you can do "thorough research" to determine if a group is acceptable to be on your platform or not, so I'll focus on listing some of them and you can do your job :)
- Alliance Defending Freedom
- Chalcedon Foundation
- The Salvation Army of Greater Charlotte
- The Salvation Army (There's 5 of them)
- Salvation Army National Corporation
- The Salvation Army, Miami Adult Rehabilitation Center
- The Salvation Army a Georgia Corporation
- The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation…
50 votes -
Add a report button to the charities We shouldn't have to create a UserVoice for every hate group "charity" that we find in the charity search.
Since Twitch isn't going to vet all the organizations it adds to the charity search, please add a report button to each charity description so that we can notify you of them and not have to go through UserVoice again and again.
55 votes -
Feed the hungry in my town for Christmas. Part of paypal GF but NOT listed. :( Twitch streamer here, wishing to have a charity added to the Twitch charity tool, especially at Christmas. I've shaved my head for them in the past, raising $14 000 to feed the less fortunate in the area, but want to keep my locks this Christmas and hope we can add them to the Twitch Charity Tool. My Food Bank is run by SAMARITAN HOUSE MINISTRIES INC. (Human Services) CRA107951790RR0001. Thank you for your consideration. -Tyler
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Schutzengeldorf This is a shelter + sanctuary for cats that have suffered severe abuse. I would like to help with twitch inside money together that they have food and medication
here is the internet side: https://www.schutzengeldorf.at/
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Magnus Hirschfeld Center Hamburg As part of the Transday of Visibility, I would like to organize a charity stream for the Magnus Hirschfeld Center in Hamburg.
The Magnus Hirschfeld Center is a voluntary organization for queer people:
Counseling center
networkingThey offer advice from adolescence to old age.
They support the reporting of incidents of violence and also have a meeting place in Hamburg, the MHC Cafe, as a safe space.
The MHC has been doing all this for 40 years.
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Stichting Gamen Voor Kinderen Geachte Twitch
Stichting Gamen Voor Kinderen is een stichting waarbij geld wordt opgehaald op kinderen met een ziekte, handicap of een vervelend verleden te helpen doormiddel van iets van een gaming console te geven zodat ze kunnen gamen voor afleiden. Website van de stichting: https://gamenvoorkinderen.nl/
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https://www.paypal.com/donate?token=RXM4a69zQ1PYNnhx858yIeIR8T1ooj6n2oMUjrGs54-NTLmZB-CbgEsUQRJeqNsuw1IpQrOo5gUSzqP4 SOS Kinderdorf
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A Life for Josia Josia Cotto was a six-year-old boy suffering from a rare brain tumor, he was given a year to live when first diagnosed. He wanted to be the best big brother he could to his newborn baby brother Noah. He sadly passed away on June 15, 2012. His parents, Niasia and Jose, family, and friends wear red to remember him on both his birthday and death day.
I am asking as a small streamer and cousin of Josia, to please add 'A Life for Josia' to the list of charities provided. I would love to bring awareness to brain tumors and…1 vote -
Charity in The Twitch Re-cap There was no option for me to select to send this query to support so like, adding "Charity" to the drop down menu in support options is probably going to be my FIRST suggestion because I have an issue to take up with my Creator Twitch Recap this year and how it calculated my money raised for charity. It said I only raised $192 this year when my charity dashboard says otherwise. Its also not an issue of 1 of the 2 fundraisers I did not counting yet, because even my first one was more than $192. What the hekk?…
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Eisvogel e.V. gemeinsam gegen Krebs Eisvogel e.V. hilft speziell Leukämie- und Lymphknotenkrebs-Erkrankten sowie deren Angehörigen und gibt ihnen den für die Genesung so wichtigen Impuls für neuen Kampfgeist, Lebensmut und Lebensfreude.
Wir sorgen für Beistand und realisieren dies im Speziellen durch Patenschaften. Außerdem finden Gruppenevents, Vorträge und Erfahrungsaustausch mit unseren Unterstützern statt. Unsere Eisvogelpost, die regelmäßig ihren Weg zu Neu-Erkrankten und ihren Angehörigen findet, runden das Angebot des Vereins ab.
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Add U24 as Please add U24 (United24) as option to raise money. Since Ukraine is at war with russia, they need funding to defend themselves.
https://u24.gov.ua/2 votes -
Remove Stichting Kanjer Wens Stichting Kanjer Wens was in the news in The Netherlands, where the director of this charity has done massive criminal things which I cannot tell here in the open. I will put a link to the website for proof
It is pretty recent, so I hope Twitch can consider what to do with the charity, because you can still pick it to get people to donate to it. But it does not excist anymore as well.
Kind regards,
ps. I did not see anywhere else where I could put this, its hard to reach Twitch for this kinda things,…
2 votes
- Don't see your idea?