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Customer Experience



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258 results found

  1. I have been looping with Twitch support over and over and over again on this issue being shown ads on a channel I am subscribed to, and over and over twitch support is utterly failing to fix my problem.

    One of the issues that repeatedly comes up with Twitch support is you don't use the tools in front of you to solve our problems.

    I am absolutely sick and tired of being told "well, maybe the person you're talking about has it set to show ads to subscribers". Like, I know that's not true, but why is Twitch support even…

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  2. The Customer Experience subsection of the UserVoice forum has some of the clearest consensus about ideas that Twitch needs to implement to make Twitch better and...tumbleweeds. There are no admins responding to posts with 100+ upvotes, no desire to actually improve the customer experience. Shame on Twitch.

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  3. volevo proporre un maggiore aiuto per gli streamer piccoli come me a crescere, uno degli aiuti potrebbe essere avere più visibilità nella pagina iniziale come i partner visto che ci sono sempre loro in prima pagina e per noi piccoli risulta difficile crescere perchè molti utenti che guardano preferiscono guardare loro anche perchè nella lista risultano solo loro mentre noi piccoli siamo infondo alle pagine di ricerca e quindi con molta difficoltà ad essere notati.

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  4. The introduction of sub-drops on Twitch seems like a good idea on paper but the way Twitch has handled it is terrible. A page where a bunch of requirements in a list is all they offer and the rest is up to you leaving for vague situations and misrepresenting users to exploit the system for then Twitch support to tell you "We can't do anything" and send you the same list again.

    I think Twitch needs a dedicated drops filter system where Twitch shows you channels that guarantee to work with drops and sub-drops. If them streaming the game is…

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  5. 트위치에 문의하기위해 많은 정보를 찾아봤었습니다. 그러나 다른 플랫폼이나 다른 기업들에 비해 문의에 대한 접근성이 너무 떨어진다고 생각이 듭니다. 지원팀에 연락하기(에 접속했을때도 사람들이 많이 할만한 질문들을 가이드라인으로 정해놓았을 뿐 그 외의 질문들은 일절 할수 없게 되어있습니다. 또 설명 또한 한글을 지원하지 않습니다. 지금 이 글을 쓰고 있는 페이지도 한국어로 설정했는데도 거의가 다 영문입니다. 전화문의나 이메일 문의, 채팅문의로 직관적인 문의가 가능해 졌으면 좋겠습니다. 중고물품 거래사이트도 전화, 채팅, 이메일 문의가 가능합니다. 그런데 왜 트위치는 이런 까다로운 방법을 고집하는것인지 의문이 듭니다. 이런 접근성이 떨어지는 고객지원이 개선될수 있으면 하는 바람으로 글을 남기게 되었습니다. 만약 제가 찾지 못한 문의 방법이 있다면 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다.

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  6. so i found out i got shadowbanned yesterday on this account without a proper reason idk maybe i was sending similar messages like a bot trying to be nice to everyone or maybe i accidentally let my demon slip out who might've caused some trouble without my knowledge but anyway i got shadowbanned for something but i don't know what it is arghhh **** anyway im here to do a good deed y'know also if you can hire me for the job and give me a ps4 slim with some psn and a laptop with ryzen 9, rtx 3060 to…

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  7. i've had more days with viewcount glitches than i have without. today i was having atleast 8+ in chat consistently but viewcount dropped to 4 and i can't report the issue. any reporting of the issue gets met with an automated email essentially saying "you're too dumb to understand the difference between viewcount and chat list" even with pictures showing there's an issue.

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  8. Recently I had an experience where I was locked out of my account due to 2FA and a changed number which had been changed on twitch.

    At the end of the ticket I was paranoid that I wouldn't get my account back - instead of reassuring me and giving me further options, my response was "There's nothing we can do this ticket is closed".

    It would be good if Twitch can recommend a more detailed (Less automated) response on what kind of ticket/option you can utilise to help set up your next ticket is the issue was not resolved initially.

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  9. Hi. sorry for writing this here, could you fix the submit case button on the ticket? in the script it says disabled and not enable. I can't send a ticket about my problem. Thank you.

    This is problem
    <button type="submit" disabled="true" class="slds-button slds-button_brand" data-aura-rendered-by="886:0"><lightning-primitive-icon data-data-rendering-service-uid="226" data-aura-rendered-by="888:0"><svg class="slds-buttonicon slds-buttonicon_left" focusable="false" data-key="case" aria-hidden="true"

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  10. I've been trying to find this one person to block them due to them gifting me a sub to a channel I personally don't approve of. I can't find them and I was hoping to be able to get in contact with someone from HQ to remove the gifted subscription and to help me block the person.

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  11. Okay, 1) I don't like how the "suggested channels" show up on the desktop website. It's usually the "more popular" channels and channels I'VE ALREADY WATCHED. Don't say "We might think you'd like this channel." If I"VE ALREADY WATCHED IT. I like how the mobile app is set for it.
    2)Where is the feedback button? I shouldn't have to look in "Settings" or check other menus, click on "Help" and then search for Feedback. Good or bad, let US TELL YOU WTF IS GOING ON.
    3) The amount of ads you've tossed in is cancerous
    4) F Amazon
    5) It'd…

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  12. Lots of spam comments in uservoice as of late I have reported, some with links that could damage people's computers if clicked on. More needs to be done to insure that safety of users with regards to this.

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  13. When creating a new account, there is not very good documentation for today's tech standards. You should have a step-by-step walkthrough with frames guiding you through. This is a website largely for video games, the tutorial for using this system should be up to the standards of video games. That's the standard your customer base is used to.

    (Also, Open Source this and let us make it better ourselves)

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  14. The bot you have for twitter support doesn't work and replies with unrelated information to the issue.

    I have reopened this for the following reasons,

    1) This is true
    2) Your bot is not working correctly and gives incorrect info
    3) You are stopping people from upvoting who also has this issue
    4) You never commented
    5) Closing unresolved issues is just wrong and rude!

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  15. Just ran in to a problem giving bits to a streamer I support in England. Took me 45 minutes to figure out it was your test with Direct Giving. Since he's participating I couldn't give him bits ... or play his Sound items for bits. It was frustrating ... on top of that I don't like the idea ... He didn't even know why it wasn't working for me!

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  16. Il n'y a pas d'aide disponible de la part du support Twitch, seulement des emails/réponses automatiques. Ne serait-il pas possible d'avoir quelque personne dont le travail serait de répondre et aider les utilisateur et createurs de contenu qui le demande? J'ai lu les réponses du support Twitch et elles ne sont pas situationnelles. Chaque problème est différent et nécessite donc une réponse/action différente qu'un système de réponse automatique ne peut gérer. Il est aussi très difficile de trouver et d'accéder au site de support Twitch. Peut-être faire en sorte qu'il soit plus facile de trouver et accéder au support Twitch…

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  17. Hi there, I'm the organizer of Cologne, Germany Community MeetUps, Powered by Twitch (

    I would like to request to add Twitch Community MeetUps to the "Events" section in the "Say "Hi" to the Neighbors" article.

    Not limited by their links, but in addition perhaps using their Discords to engage local streamers to connect with local meetups.

    I think this is a gread added value for Twitch and the Community. Twitch is promoting their community meetups, and increasing attendees. Communitys will find new members in their region.


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  18. When you first sign into Uservoice forum it seems a bit dodgy as the warning tells you it's not part of Twitch which is confusing -

    For example I got a link this morning from a charity asking me to vote for their charity on Twitch - I went to vote and when I tried to vote it said do you want to allow access to Uservoice - Uservoice is not part of Twitch.

    Of course this caused confusion and having looked into it I realised it wasn't some kind of scam link (as being not part of Twitch had…

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  19. It's not very clear on the popup that you can select more than 1 option. The Help article stated up to 3 - that should be stated up front on the popup window.

    It would be nice if somehow this could be expanded for constructive criticism as well. There's always room for improvement and it'd be nice to be able to get honest feedback from viewers as well.

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  20. Why not recruit smaller creators to help filter some of the work through, by enabling just a category stamp to which department this should be directed to.

    In doing this, they could use a dedicated Smaller Community Showcase channel. Which could be built on the premise of helping new creators in establishing their brand, and moving forward.

    All in all, it could help the flow in being able to provide a better customer experience, while also giving tools to those looking for other ways to help promote their content.

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