IP Ban from channel
IP Ban makes it possible to permanently ban a user with the same IP Address, thus not allowing them to crate other account to try and troll/spam, etc.
We apply IP bans in Chat based on users' Moderation actions in certain cases. We don't currently plan to publicize the logic we use because we think it would make it easier for bad actors to bypass the restriction.
EckoCharliE72 commented
Es hora de que se trabaje en un sistema de identificaciòn de los usuarios que entran en canales de Streamers para poder bloquear o prohibir el uso de la plataforma incluso para ver canales, una vez son identificados como personas no gratas al utilizar de manera sistematica la generacion de nicks atraves de programas de BOTS para molestar a los Streamers.
Si cada usuario se conectara con un DNI y autorizase el rastreo de su direcciòn IP, MAC, u otro sistema para poder denunciar o prohibir el acceso ha esta plataforma, mas de un Streamer descansaria y no seria molestado por este colectivo de personas, que no merecerian el acceso a ninguna red social.
Tomese el ejemplo de algunos paises asiaticos donde no solo que un usuario haga trampas en juegos online, no es unicamente castigado con un VAC BAN, sino que tambien les prohiben el acceso al uso de internet.
CarrieTheOne commented
Please do SOMETHING, Twitch. This is getting embarrassing for you and for us.
aJive commented
Why isn’t this already a thing?
StoicWolfGaming commented
Now this is an incredibly good idea.
BladeSlayerr commented
We have a person who have been harassing our community for years with racial, homophonic, anti-sematic and sexual comments and DMs.
The guy have a "template" for a name and changes the numbers after we ban him, recently he started using offensive usernames.
Twitch should add a special report form where the users who submit the report need to submit between 10 to 20 names and Twitch will cross examine all the username and see if it the same IP/MAC address and that way ban him. -
ScaryNoodles3 commented
I have been harassed by the same person/group of people since April for no reason. Always in the middle of stream I get several followers that have the usernames of my full name, my fiances full name, telling my followers that they should self harm and many more. One time they said my roommate was going to die that night. Their IP NEEDS to be banned before they actually do serious harm within my community.
GahTex2 commented
To help prevent against mass trolls returning to twitch pages on newly made accounts when they get banned, implement a feature that allows streamers and moderators to ban users based on their ip or another identifying feature.
IvarIsALie commented
IP bans are the most lackluster and ineffective forms of bans a platform can use.
*Move away from IP bans and introduce hardware ID bans
there, fixed -
CalthaPalustris commented
That's not always true. As the IPv4 pool is limited many ISPs have to rotate IP addresses of their users regularly. That's even concidered as some sort of privacy feature in some countries as a distinct user is not tracable for a longer period of time by its IP address. Blocking IPs permanently would result in banning innocent user in case their ISP assigns them an IP previously banned. That gets even worse in IPv4 tunneling scenarios (some providers only provide shared public IPv4 addresses), public wifis such as in hotels where you share your public IP address with many other users at the same time.
Banning well known proxies or vpns might be acceptable even though the described problem still applies.
Instead Twitch should implement some sort of user verification that's more reliable than Email verification - which can even be automated by bots.
Cogitates commented
I am unsure if this has been raised in comments already, but what about the prolific use of VPNs currently or any of the other methods of hiding IP? If people are intent to create hostile accounts, they are likely to seek methods to bypass restrictions on IP also. In addition, I am unsure of the legality of this application in all countries.
darthclide commented
Give streamers an IP ban button. To avoid bots abusing it, Twitch looks at a combination of x follows, x hours streamed, x average concurrent viewers, and x subs and makes a determination if the streamer gets access to this button. Aka, if someone has streamed for thousands of hours, and has 5k followers and 100k total views but 5 average concurrent viewers, they get it. But if someone has 75 average concurrent viewers + many subs, but only 5k total views, they also get it.
Twitch compares the IP to a database to check if it is a VPN, dynamic, or static IP. Depending on which it is, the IP ban can last between 3 months to 12 months. The IP ban request will only be accepted if the account in question has received x number of IP ban requests (could set it at 10). The IP ban will automatically be accepted if more than x accounts have been made on that IP address (the number would vary depending on if it is a dynamic IP or static IP).
Even if Twitch does not grant the sitewide IP ban, as soon as you press this button the following occurs:
That IP address is no longer able to view or join your channel. That means you can't see chat messages, can't see the viewer list, and can't see the stream from that IP. As soon as you type in that channel name, you get a 404 error and literally can't even see the panels.As another feature request said, you could bypass all this IP ban mess if you implemented a hardware ID ban system. This would heavily cut down the ability for people to dox and hide behind VPNs.
To anyone reading this, please feel free to make suggestions or corrections to my idea in the comments. The aim is for better troll management for us streamers, since Twitch seems to only take reports seriously from bigger channels, Twitch staff in the back pockets of streamers, or those with a good enough dox/harassment story.
oda_nobunaga3333 commented
The best thing is to simply do the one where you have a ban so that you no longer have access to someone else's streamer channel in order to protect yourself from bullying, threats and harassment,
and would rather do it so that everyone presents the passport or driver's license as a copy for a new registration. -
anovva_ commented
Maybe their should be a way to ip ban someone if they keep on creating new accounts to harass your stream and wont stop. This would put a stop to many people as they wouldn't be that bothered about getting a ip changer etc.
FahirPlay commented
Seria muito interessante ter a opções de Banimento por IP, onde quando um viewer fosse banido não tivesse a possibilidade de criar uma conta secundaria para continuar ataques de ódio e assedio.
deejay4am commented
IP Bans will not help to ban anyone, and will create more problems than they solve. Reset a router, use a new VPN, etc. will all give a new IP address.
Not to mention when entire Universities or ISPs get banned and channel moderators ignore the pleas of the innocent, thinking they've just banned one person, but in reality have banned an entire network because their public gateway uses one (or a handful of) IP addresses.
Your IP is not a phone number, and your public IP isn't even always yours alone.
santoki commented
Please consider this feature. I've gotten death threats and customer support and reporting has done nothing about it. Honestly one of the reasons I'd consider moving to YouTube. If enough people (who are affiliates or partners) report this person, there should be an option to escalate an issue as a group and have it flagged for attention sooner.
TheAlkaris commented
At least limit or prohibit people donating Bits as Anons, becusse there are bots that spam 1 bits in multiple messages.
hugoalms commented
hello I am a VIP in a live and I always try to help my friend who is a streamer, but always has a person who creates several accounts for spamming, cursing and other things I would like to know if you can twitch block the ip for him never again do this in no live
thanks for your attention -
Anonymous commented
Game developers and streaming platforms must take responsibility for cyber bullying!
OlliverOtter commented
I should have also added that such an option would allow streamers to ban by IP without allowing the streamer to actually obtain the IP.