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90 results found

  1. Hi Twitch, I'm from the Republic of China (ROC) you commonly call "Taiwan". Recently, your censorship of Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese makes me very angry. I know you have to filter the corresponding text, But it is by no means such a dictatorial regime's speech policy as what you commonly call the "China" Communist Party of China (CCP).

    "China is not the only one who uses Chinese in this world."
    "What you are doing now is like China's literary prison."

    Maybe the world shouldn't use hate speech or words to attack each other, but Taiwan has long been,…

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  2. Twitch's default font does not use serifs. Serifs are important for distinguishing I's from l's. For instance, if you can easiIy teIl which of the lowercase L's are or are not repIaced with uppercase i's in this sentence, you're almost definitely using a screen reader. Yes, there is a difference between them, but you wouldn't be able to tell me which is which.

    This is a big issue in any online form of communication, for the following reasons:

    1: Security. People can post a link that has an L replaced with an i, or sometimes vice versa, without it being…

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  3. Hello, I have felt like there are a few things that have been concerning for small streamers in regards to some of the ways their account/channels in particular have been handled. Being aware that putting out content on the internet brings a platform for all types of eyes which in turn puts creators at a risk for various sorts of individuals who come in and out of their streams who may have ill intentions. There have been a few instances where creators feel they were singled out. Harassment being an example I personally feel should be something that, if possible,…

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  4. Many Partners flippantly break Twitch's Terms of service, many telling others to do so, in the process. If these are meant to be pillars of the community, they should uphold the standards better than anyone. Instead, they coast on their status to avoid anything beyond a 24-hour ban. This shows that they are not being held to the same standard as the rest of the creators on the platform. Partners who knowingly break the Terms and continue to do it when corrected should be stripped of Partner status.

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  5. This suggestion is based on PositiveIona's idea at

    However, the suggestion to use serif-fonts to resolve the lower case 'l' vs upper case 'I' problem (to clarify the first one is an 'L' and the second one is an 'i') will make the platform less accessible for certain people, ESPECIALLY those with dyslexia. So you'd just be replacing one problem with an entirely new one.

    I'd like to propose that, instead of adding serifs, we should find a font that distinguishes the letters more clearly whilst still being sans-serif.
    Some examples include: Verdana, Tahoma, Trebuchet, or Open-Dyslexic; though I'm…

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  6. Stop rate limiting your most dedicated active users

    I often end up being rate limited when creating clips. Getting errors that state "Whoops. Something went wrong." or having login issues until I wait 24 hours and retry again.

    I'm an active moderator for a lot of channels and I enjoy highlighting streamers success and entertaining moments in clips. The problem is that I keep getting rate limited or identified as a "bot". The DDoS and rate limiting is currently overly aggressive and keeps hindering your most active contributors.

    Please consider this and make some sort of change.
    Best Regards

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  7. There is a bug I've seen a few dozen times where a user will be banned in a channel without ever having talked in it or, more importantly, without a record of a ban occurring from any moderators. These bans are always on 7/25/2019, at 4:39 PM, and are often done by someone who wasn't a moderator of the channel at the time. Unbanning these users works as normal, but they need to request an unban or we can't fix anything - meaning we have no idea how widespread this issue is.

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  8. For the pass couple of months Traditional Chinese community has been suffering from unreasonable suspension by typing in chat which hasn't violate the "hateful conduct and harassment" from twitch community guidelines. Suspension reasons contains hateful speech, sexual harassment, etc.

    For example, cursing in Chinese might have get you banned for 7 days plus, but the same meaning in English or other language will not get punished. Certain user even recieve suspension from chatting topics which is "related to streaming content" that has hardly even reach the boundries of communities guidelines.

    It's literally taking weeks or months to get any feedback…

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  9. Give streamers the option to have a safe list for having streams embedded on outside sites and give streamers the option to disable sites from embedding them.

    This could prevent people from making malicious sites to embed them without the streamers knowledge

    this would also help reduce the amount of people broadcasting illegal content and hosting it on illegal sites

    you could also then give streamers the option to unlock embedding as a feature after a streamers account is within good standing. (ie. when emotes are edible for instant approval or when a streamer reaches affiliate)

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  10. Do not display soft p0rn in the home screen under "Live channels we think you'll like" unless a user has previously followed a specific tag (or an account containing that specific tag). I have never watched nor liked any content of that nature, and it continually populates in the late evening, yet, it is clearly inconsistent with Twitch Community Guidelines: "Sexually suggestive content or activities are also prohibited..." (This refers to hot tub streams with nearly naked hosts in promiscuous and revealing poses and ASMR streams featuring sexualized hosts.) Those channels are surely good for business, but constantly putting it…

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  11. PubSub official documentation only list very few of the topics actually available.
    It makes it "officially" not so useful compared to what it can actually do.

    Basically it could replace EventSub for most of the cases, and, being far easier to implement would open possibilities for many tools without inducing huge potential server costs.

    Is there any plan to document all these topics someday ? Will it remain "unofficial" ?

    Have a good day :)

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  12. There's streamers currently suffering from attacks from accounts impersonating them. The usernames these attackers have contains words like "Prostidute", "Perverted", "Suicide", "Naked", and more explicit terms next to the Streamers' names. These streamers have had no chance to get support from Twitch.

    Saying "ignore them" or "report them" does NOT work, because the accounts keep appearing with new, more outrageous, names. Streamers report more than 50 accounts appearing. This type of harrassment can get someone killed, there needs to be serious punishment to the IP owner.

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  13. Please check if the number of followers of a channel is realistic if that channel has NEVER streamed. Recently there is a spike of purchased followers used in hate-raids against LGBTQIA+ people. A lot of this could be automatically prevented or at least decreased in how bad it is by automatically putting channels with a high followercount despite never having streamed on a watchlist and not allowing them to raid until this is reviewed.


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  14. It has come to my attention a few days ago that there are many children in the asmr category. Many of them are "showing themselves". I would like someone from twitch staff to be far more active in this category to hopefully put as much as a stop as humanly possible. I am aware that it will always be an issue, but I would hope with a more active staff presence there that it may help immensely.

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  15. Essentially this idea comes in three parts.

    The first: Allow the streamer to specify for themselves whether their stream can be viewed by "guests" (someone not logged into Twitch).

    The second: A user who has been banned should not simply be unable to view/participate in chat. They should not be allowed to view the stream whatsoever.

    The last: User banned should be IP Banned from that stream. Meaning taking 30 seconds to make a new account to simply continue with the Stream Sniping/Harassment isn't so simple to do.

    Stream Sniping for us Smaller Streamers is a terrible thing. I get…

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  16. I have seen so many ridiculous emotes get removed. Middle fingers, a butt shaking, dancing are not offensive and it is absolutely childish to ban an emote that is literally just pixels showing things that every iPhone and Android have (the middle finger)

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  17. A few minutes ago, I received a notification that a guy named hoss has started to follow me on Twitch.

    The suggestion is pretty clear - in order to cope with the issue presented below, by default do not enable email notifications to people who have never streamed.

    I have read Reddit post that went pretty viral a couple of days ago about a the very same user with different name variations who somehow IP grabs user profiles.

    Here is a link:

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  18. delete ****/pedophile/zoophile content from your platform.

    I don't understand what you want to give the platform, but it seems to be becoming a ****/pedophile haven.

    I hope you will take care of your platform and give it a glorious past.

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  19. There are mods who do abuse their power and selfishly ruin a viewers engagement with the streamer. These specific mods do not attempt to professionally deescalate the negative energy between themselves and the viewer as a solid warning and attempt to improve the understanding between them. While the mod can just hide behind banning viewers without resolving the said argument, viewers are left in the dark which is unfair and quite selfish. These mods generally ruin the outline and view of the streamer. These mods take advantage of being unprofessional behind curtains. and the streamer will never know why the…

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  20. Protect viewers from being harassed after leaving a community.

    There have been quite a few times, one I know of personally, where a streamer has asked their community to spy on a former community member and screenshot any conversation mentioning the streamer so the streamer could "control" the situation. The streamer then sent their community members into streams the former community member was a part of to spy on them and report back anything said. This is possibly still happening and the person who was being followed has appealed to Twitch, reporting the person involved, multiple times only for nothing…

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