Channel points for ALL streams
So, I was an affiliate and decided to leave the program and really miss the interactive channel point system. It would be LOVELY if you all would give channel points to ALL streamers because it just makes sense. Channel points are a great way to have interactivity with your community and it SUCKS that I, a non-affiliate or partner streamer, can't use the feature. I may be in the minority of this though. My question is though, why is it only for affiliates and partners anyways? It's not like you make money off the channel points anyways, so it really just makes more sense for everyone to have access to them.
rasmusthefox commented
I have been streaming for a long time and i can't get channel points to my own stream i have wached the guid but when you click Viewer rewards i only have drops but no Chanell points! Please fix it!
BasedBidoof commented
As a moderator who rarely streams, I would like channel points on my own channel, just so I could see what options there were. I'd like to give ideas to my streamers, but have to go through other people to see what options there are.
XXXTENTACION162 commented
Twitch has made a mistake they made channel points only available for twitch partners and affilliate's what i think is wrong cause there is plenty of streamers out there waiting to be big but wont get their chance cause you have to be a affilliate or twitch partner witch is really hard to become
henrique_tqt commented
Eae lucas sou eu o rik kkkk
sickzlt commented
Sou stremer da twitch
Rekplas commented
Hola todo bien
ItsSpyroPlays commented
I think that having channel points open to any streamer would be better for smaller streamers to grow and help them communicate and interact with their community
lifran commented
benderanya bagus sih tapi tingkatkan lagi komunitasnya biar bagus
ItsKimchee commented
It would be fun as a watcher to be able to interact with voice on stream
dendy_ma commented
i think it's good for engagement, but i'm not quite sure about the "tax" thing sorry not quite understand
El_makong commented
imagine it would look like NASA's channel. there are channel points for engagement, but no subscribe button
TwitchIndonesia commented
Scenario: Twitch channel run by multiple people in a community where they centralize events. The channel meets all of the Affiliate requirements, however does not want to obtain Affiliate in order to avoid singing a single person's tax information to that community account. Is it possible to apply/gain the affiliate advantages such as Channel Points for this account? I suggest having an option somewhere to Apply.
Lookas_the_L commented
+1 all arguments are correct
VampyreLogan commented
Some of the features such as channel/loyalty points and other viewer interactions that aren't specifically monetization based (or could have a beginner/unmonetized version) could really help new streamers build/retain the audience they need to make Affiliate. It also gives a new streamer a chance to play around with what works for them before they get to affiliate so they can hit the ground running, so to speak.
zaqueudenazaresousamelo commented
Muito bom
un_qualcuno7942 commented
in senso che anche le altre persone che tipo hanno 10 follower, o nel mio caso 8, possano mettere gli streaming points
fortniteandrew commented
i have 894 followers but only 2.06 viewers so if i had channel points then i could get people to stay in the stream so i can get affiliate
NotVeryUwUofYou commented
I am a disadvantaged streamer, i am a mute and so interacting with my stream despite being very small is challenging and sometimes quite stressful as i would like to make my channel as interactive as possible for people to enjoy without the need of a voice to occupy the space that it normally does. +1
notgoldensubz commented
The reason why I think it's a great idea is because of how impactful it can really be, it may not seem like a feature that will help you grow but it will definitely help the stream by making it more interactive and more engaging with you and your viewers.
I don't see why something so simple could be locked away behind affiliation and partnership. I know that getting affiliation is not that hard but I know tons of people who just don't want affiliation but they want the channel points.
Channel points should be available for everyone or at least limit the things you can do with channel points for non-affiliates. -
LeviGoedel commented
Ik kan geen kanaalpunten gebruiken omdat ik niet genoeg volgers heb. Maar ik wil wel graag kanaalpunten aan mijn kanaal toevoegen. Ik denk dat meer mensen dit probleem ook hebben. Kunnen jullie een functie maken zodat mensen met minder volgers (zoals ik) ook kanaalpunten kunnen toevoegen? Groetjes Levi (levigoedel op Twitch)