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Channel Points

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Channel Points



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213 results found

  1. Looking at the API documenting for channel rewards, I found the following:

    The Custom Reward specified by id must have been created by the client_id attached to the access token.

    I'm not really sure what the design was behind locking channel point updating to only the client that created the channel point, but it adds a lot of unnecessary work on 3rd party integrations to work around this. 3rd party apps that want to allow users to customize the channel points they already made now have to go through the hassle of re-creating them through the 3rd party app…

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  2. Allow the streamer to add a % discount to all or some of the redemption rewards (ie. Hydrate is 1000, but with a 20% discount it becomes 800). Go all out with it and add a "20% OFF" tag on that redemption to make it known. More of a quality of life thing since this can be done by changing the points manually, but seeing a discount and making a big deal about it would get people more excited about it.

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  3. This situation has come up a few times now where a new mod (or a not paying attention new mod) would clear the entire queue or accidentally clear rewards which were not completed.

    A history of completed/refunded redemption for the current stream would save some searching in chat to see who redeemed what and trying to figure out what was missed.

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  4. Viewers should be able to earn Channel Points by watching VODs (Video on Demand). Undoubtedly, many viewers of many streamers are of international relation to the streamer, this is why it is important to include everyone into the Channel Points experience by letting viewers earn Channel Points by watching VODs by their favourite streamers. This feature must be implemented because international viewers are situated in a different country, thus (in most cases) are in a different time zone. So it only makes sense for viewers who aren't able to watch live streams be able to earn Channel Points by watching…

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  5. Доброго времени суток! Добавьте, пожалуйста, возможность просматривать, кто и сколько вложил баллов канала в Испытание Сообщества!

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  6. Añadir funcionalidades como las de streamloots con los puntos del canal.

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  7. Man kann als Android Streamer nicht Kanalpunkte anmachen deswegen wäre das cool wen das klappen würde.

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  8. This might be pretty niche, but I'll describe my situation.

    I'm using similarly priced channel point redemptions in tiers based on an alignment (good, neutral, bad) and using color (green, blue, red) to structure them. It's mostly for aesthetic, but when presented to the viewer, I'd like to be able to have each of the columns be one color.

    For instance, my first "tier" is a custom greeting for 25 points. Friendly (Good), Fatherly (Neutral), or Confrontational (Bad).

    I'd like for that presentation to continue onto the next tier, which is small talk for 50 points, so that it would…

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  9. On Twitch Embed Players with video and chat (, it is currently not possible to gain Channel Points while watching.
    It is possible to spend Channel Points with an embedded player/chat, so it seems necessary to obtain them while watching as well.

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  10. Would making highlighted messages for twitch moderators be possible as some sort of tool?

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  11. Blacklist for all
    - Bot accounts

    - Baned accounts from our channel or via other streamers expemple trolls, scamer ect.

    So we can use this for Filter all fools out or Points system ranks
    via streamelements , streamlabs, nightbot, wizzbot ect.
    SO they have access to a blacklist and autmatic filter them out the ranks.

    to many fake, troll, bots account come every hours on Twitch.
    we streamers dont have to time for filter them out.

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  12. Allow viewer to turn off polls, they ruin viewing experience because you have to close them manually

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  13. 3 votes

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  14. Allow streamers to customize the background of the reward buttons, not just the icon, and make the icon optional. Right now the reward redemption buttons look very plain and too similar to one-another because they're just solid-colored shapes with tons of blank space. I would love to use an image to cover the entire body of the reward button, not just a small icon in the center. Not only would this allow the rewards to be more visually distinct from one-another, but it could be used to make cool visuals by combining the background and icon (i.e., a reward called…

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  15. When a lot of people forecast the same option, or there aren't many people forecasting, the winners of the prognostic just win a very very small amount of channel points. I think that the channel point won must not come from the pool of the channel points bet by the loosers. This modality ensure to everyone who win a bet to have an amount oh points won directly proportional to the points he bet and so there will not be any other situation in which no one wins points even if he won the bet. Think about it please!

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  16. Being able to set a in and max amount of points to bet. There are times I would not want viewers to bet a large amount of channel points on a question due to it's "ease to answer"

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  17. I have taken to use Predictions for my wrestling watch alongs so my viewers can pick winners from matches. I would love to pre-make this in advance instead of on the fly.

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  18. Several of my viewers comment that larger wagers of Channel Points on predictions are difficult because they can only add ten points at a time. Perhaps just change it to allow viewers to type in a number?

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  19. For variety streamers, it would be wonderful to be able to put certain channel point rewards into folders that can be turned on and off with the flip of a switch.

    For example, I could put all my "Fallguys" rewards into a "Fallguys" folder. Then the entire folder could be turned on. When I play a different game, I could turn the folder off.

    With the current system, we have to go through a huge list of rewards turning each individual reward on and off when switching games. The end result is that many streamers just have rewards that don't…

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  20. I've personally found great difficulty creating anything significant out of channel points simply because there isn't a way to be reliably notified when a prize has been redeemed. If they functioned in a similar way to Followers or Subscribers where it's API can be accessed, this could improve upon its function significantly.

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