Allow Subscribers to use Follower Emotes in Any Channel
Currently, Follower Emotes can only be used in the channel they're for, while the user is followed to the channel. This means as a broadcaster, I have to decide between which emotes can't be used anywhere else, and which I can provide to followers to use in my channel without a subscription.
Ideally, it would be nice if subscribers to a channel would be able to use Follower Emotes anywhere on Twitch, as they currently use Subscriber Emotes. This would give an added benefit to subscribers, with additional emotes in other channels, while still allowing followers to use the selected Follower Emotes within your own channel, and no painful decision.
Thank you for your time!
Hello! Happy to let everyone here know that this feature has been implemented! Follower emotes should now be available to use across Twitch for channel subscribers. Please continue to provide us with your valuable feedback so we can continue to improve on ways to celebrate and reward your community. Thank you and have a great day!
Boxish_ commented
Follower emotes should be the the best ones that would be pivotal to the community experience, since everyone would use them, and locking them away from use on other channels while only allowing the other ones would just not be as impactful as even how emotes worked when they were locked to subs.
TheF1ashGod commented
Followers should only be allowed to use them in the followed chat but allowing subs to use them anywhere would help push for sub sales
a_bearded_ghoul commented
Please let follower emotes work on mobiles and tablets. At the Minute it only works on web browser
Ohtacaro commented
I just want to see Follower Emotes to be globally accessible. Not just in the streamers channel, but used in any other channel at any time as a follower. Also even if you are not a follower, but you are a subscriber either by gift or what not. These emotes should be accessible to them as well.
HiHi_ItsThalia commented
The original email that i received about this beta spoke of "encouraging people to come back to your stream", but this doesnt seem to accomplish that. frankerfacez and bttv already give emotes that people can only use in your specific channel. And, i might add, they do it better since they come coupled with several improvements on your website.
enabling followers to use these globally will help extend a streamers reach; someone follows for a specific emote and uses that in someone else's stream. another viewer sees that emote, likes it, and goes to that emote's stream. In its current form, follower emotes don't encourage growth.
MrSombraPR commented
Followers emotes is an awesome add on to any channel, a few things from this experiment.
1. Channel owners can use the emotes on their own channels by typing the emote code but can't see them on the emote picker.
2. it would be nice to be able to use those emotes on another channel as the owner of the emotes, and allow subscribers to do so, this at least helps on not having to sacrifice an emote using it twice as a follower and sub.
3. Also it would be nice (not sure if possible), instead be able to use the followers emotes on the whole platform as long as the channel is live, once the channel goes offline so does the emotes, this would be pretty nice to be able to use those emotes on raids, and then remove them from the emote picker as soon as the channel is not live.
4. For those other people saying "i don't have access to the followers emotes", this is a beta test if you don't see them, you don't have them, saying it here WILL NOT give you access to the emotes, please refrain from asking and let the rest of the people who have access to report some feedback so we can make this a good product for all of us in the platform, don't worry they mentioned that eventually everyone will get it. Happy Streaming!
EyeAmLexi commented
I think that's a great idea! It would also help get people to a creator's channel.
PigletClown commented
They're emotes you wouldn't otherwise get anyway. Take the W and don't ask to have your cake and eat it too.
Xenolya commented
I love this idea, I honestly don't see any downside to it. Followers can use the emotes in the streamer's chat, subs can use them wherever, and there's more of an incentive to sub, so more money for both the streamer and twitch. It's a win for everyone involved.
KathrynLynn commented
@Spid3rham - No one is suggesting not letting followers use follow emotes in the channel. We’re suggesting letting subscribers ALSO use them globally. It’s a win-win situation for everyone, and a wonderful incentive for our loyal subscribers.
itmkoeln commented
Please, Please do this... If you commission Emotes for like 30 USD each you want them to be used... at least for Subs
Spid3rham commented
nope, your model of only being allowed in the channel they are from is PERFECT and a great compromise. it's about feeling like you're part of the community while in that channel. not about streamers spending money to give you free emotes, that isnt fair
lavenderclouds__ commented
I think it would be great that if you’re subscribed, that you could use the Follower Emotes like normal ones. By that I mean that you can use them in other peoples chats. Also maybe let people unlock them through being active in chat or being followed for multiple months.
DeeDeeTheVamp commented
Yeah it seems logical, since higher tier subs can use lower tier emotes. It'd only encourage more people to sub I imagine if they got even more emotes then they already do.
shadowkat555 commented
it would be nice to use them outside of one streamer to send the love to others and express yourself more
AncientDragon commented
I wholeheartedly support this. Streamer & Subscribers to said streamer should be allowed to use the Follower Emotes globally!
ghostmxy commented
I love the idea of follower emotes! My only wish is that subs could use them anywhere on twitch as an extra sub perk. There's some really cool follower emotes that I want to use everywhere but are locked to a single channel sadly.
VonHollde commented
This would be lovely! My subs don't want me to put certain emotes I would like as free because they want to keep using them on other channels! Letting subs use the follower emotes on other channels would solve this and will make subscribing more desirable
Sharon commented
Love this idea! This should 100% be a thing. Followers can get a taste of 5 different emotes and then if they subscribe they can use those 5 emotes + the other x amount of emotes globally!
MadMikeyB commented
100% this - subs should get access to all emotes on all channels, including follower emotes. If I'm a follower and I get used to using that emote in chat, I'll want to use it elsewhere and I would sub to do this.