Search clips by keywords
Currently there is no effective way to search through clips other than top all time, 30 days, and 7 days.
-You should be able to search through clips by keyword.
For example, if you're trying to find rage clips on a channel or game you should be able to search clips by the keyword "rage". Any clips with rage in the title should show up.
itsDefrag commented
A year on, for real.. would be great to have this.
Romfall commented
And search clips by date can be a good idea too
Senkaaa6259 commented do this
crystlshake commented
If the suggested system was implemented having an 'untagged' search option would allow those looking to help out with categorizing the moments we shared with our friends and communities an easier time of going thru archives.
crystlshake commented
While the live interactive experience of twitch is the driving appeal of the Twitch platform bolstered by streamer charaisma and community interaction, I believe that having a more robust option with clips can capitalize on a missed opportunity. As suggested above, having additional tags for searching clips can promote the usage and proliferation, and thus exposure, of streamers themselves and the Twitch platform as a whole. My suggested starting tags would be for specific games 'emotions' such as humor and 'feels'. The main drive is to make the captured moments that best exemplify the highlights of the platform more accessible to newer users, i.e. new to that streamer or the platform in whole. I think if tags were applied by the person making the clip it should leave much of the busywork in the hands of fans instead of being a burden to the caster. Alternatively if tags could be 'voted' for application to created clips it could allow us the fans to take the burden off of the caster or their mods of going thru clip archives. Though mod/caster verification for tags may be prudent to prevent potential trolling behavior.
James Doobie commented
Check out, I think its the answer to what you're looking for. You can leave a suggestion as well as far as features you would be interested in.
Siren commented
At least by Game would be great. Especially for variety streamers. Ie, a dropdown box with a list of the games clipped from. Similar to in clip manager, how you can filter by game. That option in the GUI for... well say for an example, "manage my clips" a drop down box next to that button, which says "filter by game" and then provides a dropdown menu when clicked, would allow for more customisation.
Say I watch a variety streamer who mostly plays one game. I may not want to see clips of other games, and only the main game (as is why I subscribed to that person). It is therefore favourable to allow the option to distinguish what game is being played in the clip, as the clip is statistically more likely to be about something funny or rage inspiring in the landscape played in. Ie, a game glitch or a bad wipe.
Anonymous commented
Completely agree.