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238 results found

  1. Guten Abend,

    ich kann keine tägliche Streams einstellen, nur wöchentliche, was mich nervt. Bitte es richten oder umprogrammieren.
    Nicht jeder streamt jede Woche, dass gleiche Spiel zur gleichen Uhrzeit.

    Ich hoffe auf eine Lösung, danke.

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  2. For more subscribers for more channels for more streamers

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  3. change the scheduling system. It is hopeless that is says "everyday." No schedule is that certain. change so the schedule is independant and can be different for each day and week.

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  4. If you look at the follower count below my channel name, it would show I have 4 followers. However, if you go to places like my Twitch Achievements and Creator Dashboard, it shows I only have 3 followers.

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    Closed  ·  Danky responded

    Hey there! We usually recommend waiting around 48 hours for your stats to update across the site after a stream.

    Hope this helps!

  5. If i raid someone this is the message " Raid Settings do not allow you to raid at this time." i try to raid my 2nd account also my friends but this is always happened.
    Thank you!

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    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Hey there! 

    This is definitely something to look into with our team at so they can further investigate this with you. 

  6. 1 vote

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Hey there,

    It is possible you have reached the follow limit of 2000. If this feels wrong, please reach out to our support team via Thanks.

  7. Do not suggest channels that users are banned from and that ban excessively. It is not a good user experience.

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  8. 전수림twitchtv

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  9. It's terrible it doesn't show my streams/videos how do I get them back

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded


    If you streamed over 7 days ago and are not an Affiliate, Partner or user of Prime/Turbo, then there's a high chance your VOD has expired, so it will no longer show on your channel page. Unfortunately, there is no way to restore expired VODs. If this is not the case, please check that you have "Store Past Broadcasts" setting enabled. For more information, please check out Thank you.

  10. 31.12.2022 tarihi Türkiye saatiyle 03.30 civarında ben yayındayken bir anda takipçi bildirimleri gelmeye başladı. Yaklaşık 100 adet yabancı isimli takipçi geldi. Tanımadığım kişi veya kişiler tarafından takipçi botu atılmıştır bilginiz olsun.

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  11. anyone else that would have doxxed someone would have been harshly banned for it is against twitch tos but yet nadia is a exception. why is this, how is this fair to others and why is she allowed to brag that she is untouchable by twitch and activision. this is ludicris and should she should be reprimanded to the fullest because now this person is being harassed by others because of her incompetency. she put this persons life at risk and twitch has allowed this by letting it slide.

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  12. after a while you have to react!!!
    how long you are going to let your streaming platform be invaded by this kind of woman who openly promotes their pornographic link to paying sites
    explain to me what logic there is to do yoga in a bikini except for this jiggle almost naked.your platform becomes as worrying as instagram
    are we going to have to ban our children from going to twitch
    youtube and others would never have tolerated this kind of content .

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  13. I have been trying to update my listed schedule for about 3 months now. I've tried through my pc and my phone, my phone won't let me and on my pc nothing ever actually saves. I can't even delete and start from scratch.

    I'm sorry if I posted this in the wrong spot. I just spent like 20 minutes trying to navigate to any kind of help.

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Hey there,

    So sorry to hear you've been having issues with updating your schedule. Please reach out to our support team to investigate this issue. You can reach them via Thank you!

  14. Suggested channels list with the potential to receive a Founders Badge. I want to channels that appeal to me plus see that I can receive a Founders Badge straight away if I subscribe. This would be useful if, lets say "hypothetically" a new BOOBA Korean streamer starts a channel and looks like she has potential to be huge in followings. I would like to flex my Founders Badge showing support that I was there from the start. Thank you in advance.

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  15. This was a feature of Schedule during 2021, why does it no longer exist?? Disappointing

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  16. It is as I said. Soon as I go to push go live the feed to going live it is cut off and saying that I am offline. I barely used twitch and now I can't stream. I go look on the website and it looks like there's a bunch of other people who are offline that I followed but at certain times that campaigns are happening for games I without a doubt know they would be streaming. I played with them before.

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  17. Como uma live como do Casimito com uma transmissão paga cai no meio de um jogo que ele tem autorização pra transmitir? vocês devem reembolsar todo mundo que assinou sem tirar a inscrição do canal dele. Um absurdo uma empresa desse tamanho cometer uma falha ridícula dessas

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  18. fix channel trailer - cant even submit a ticket for this issues. Your ticketing system is messed up as well. I dont want to go to public forums for support i want you to support me. Isnt that why i pay you half my REVENUEEEEE and i cant post an image here. and i contacted you on twitter several times. seems like you have a disreguard for the #LGBTQ community oh but please take half the money i earned....

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  19. I can't follow anyone anymore. Not even streamers. Each time I click on the follow button on a streamers channel 5 seconds later I get unfollowed. What causes this to happen does anyone know? Any help would be more than appreciated! Thank you

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Hey there,

    Sorry to hear you're having trouble following channels. There could be a few issues causing this, so we recommend you reach out to our team at, so they can take a look at this issue with you. One possibility is that you have reached the maximum amount of channels you can follow; but again, our support team can help you determine what's going on better!

  20. Hi

    Have filter out on pc, Xbox, ps5 or playstation to filter out video games. thnks

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