Mask Requirement for TwitchCon
After the surge of COVID cases after TwitchCon EU it was incredibly surprising to see the lack of mask policy for the event and makes many of us incredibly concerned about TwitchCon NA. Many other cons that have gone without a mask policy have only exacerbated the COVID cases where cons like PAX East, West etc have had much lower cases by having a strict mask policy.
We hear you and take these concerns seriously. In response to all of your feedback, we are updating our TwitchCon policies to require masks, as well as either proof of vaccination or a negative covid test. We will continue to review our health and safety guidelines along with local authorities in order to keep our community safe IRL at TwitchCon San Diego. Thank you for making your voice heard. More info is available here.
TPauOfVulcan commented
There is a pandemic going on. Seriously, please lets not be making it worse!
DownloadableConnor commented
if SDCC can have a mask mandate, TwitchCon can. You are falling into the ideals of the anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers who only care about themselves. COVID is still here.
Rookuri commented
After Twitchcon EU reports of Covid cases from streamers I'd known skyrocketed, including featured ambassador ReadySetBen. Bare minimum, masks will help ensure streamers and their communities have less chances of catching or spreading the disease and ensure they aren't kept from streaming due to illness after the con.
hanapengu commented
Cannot agree strongly enough, PLEASE at least consider a mask mandate, or require vaccination, or more ideally both
AcheyBreakey commented
Mask mandates is the LEAST that can be done. Its better than nothing at all. Please reconsider this decision.
anemone313 commented
At the very least we need proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test. Would be better if we also required masks AND a limited capacity.
Jane_Henry commented
I'd like to add something else: WE NEED ONLINE OPTIONS. There are people in our community who, due to immunocompromised conditions, can't take the risk of coming to TC, even if there were mandates. I firmly believe this convention, and company, will suffer if it doesn't take care of its creators and fans.
LinkinBreak commented
I have been waiting to go to TwitchCon for years. I was finally able to go in 2020, but it was canceled due to COVID. This year I could go, but given the zero safety measures in place, I can't go. For those that say you can just stay home if you don't like the lack of safety measures, that's a very ableist thing to say. There are many that want to go to TwitchCon and can't because they are high risk for COVID. Requiring proof of vaccination, boosters, negative test, and mask mandate hurts no one and allows even more people to attend. Those that won't attend because of those safety measures, are terrible people and shouldn't be in the Twitch community in the first place, much less society. We all need to work together to lift everyone up, rather than fight tooth and nail pushing down those that need help, for a few to make it to the top.
NoHandsNZ commented
Don't exclude your disabled and immune compromised colleagues - make the event as safe as you can by at a minimum requiring masks that literally hurt nobody, and vaccination!
angel_a95 commented
My current job is still recommending masks, the pandemic is still happening if C.C.S.D they wanted you to wear one I thing we should as well
Ennael commented
You seriously need to get your head examined if you think having no safety guidelines for a pandemic that's STILL ONGOING is a good idea...
If smaller events are still subjugated by law to be masked, then so can TwitchCon. It happened in Amsterdam (I know a lot of people who went and were masked with the mandate and had a great time anyway!), it can happen in San Diego!
yokobutt commented
If a small event in Texas with 16k people can do mask mandates, sanitizer stations, temp checks with daily wrist bands to say you got your temp checked to get into events, and vaccine card requirements. Twitch can too.
Official76Operators commented
For the first time in years, we can be thankful that Twitch has made an intelligent, legal and ethical decision. There is absolutely no need for masking requirements and vaccine mandates continue to be challenged as unconstitutional. We fully support an individual citizen’s choice to wear a mask or receive a vaccination, but vehemently oppose oppressive and non-inclusive mandates. If an individual is concerned for their own health, they may choose to stay at their home in the same manner they can choose to do any other day of the year.
ignorantspoon commented
Make masks and vaccines mandatory, what are you even thinking? We’re still in the middle of a damned pandemic, just because you’re tired of the pandemic doesn’t mean you can act like it’s over and the threat is gone. Do you part time keep the people making you money safe!
risorah_ commented
As both a San Diego local and someone who has attended Twitchcon in 2019, I'm pretty disappointed that there isn't any safe intention on enforcement of both masks and having your vaccinations whatsoever. Realistically speaking, San Diego Comic Con had both in-place and enforced this to a strong extent.
I do not find it very fitting that they won't do the same for Twitchcon. If SDCC did it, so can Twitchcon. As much as I was excited to return to the SD Convention Center, I'd rather stay safe than to put myself at risk as I have the previous LANs I've attended throughout this year.
xChimpyx commented
SDCC had a mask and vacine mandate and I would think Twitchcon should follow the same protocol. It would make perfect sense. I heard no one had a problem with it.
KatMakes commented
Hey Twitch stop being utter idiots and protect the people going to your convention.
Abookislife commented
Mask requirement. I didn't have several of my friends and family die, or have long covid for event organizers to not care about a virus that is STILL causing damage to thousands of people. Let alone the monkey pox situation. Ya'll realise you could be causing a super spreader event for two separate viruses??
lexiohd commented
please i don’t wanna get covid
jesse198435 commented
i am all about disabilities and protecting them but i dont agree with this because ppl use disabilities as a crutch. my mom has lupus and RA and a bunch of other disabilities wrong with her and she got the covid shot and still got covid. so wearing a mask isnt going to stop Covid. so saying it is going to stop it is a media scaring tactic to get u to wear one. I have a bunch of disabilities and i dont wear a mask and i got covid and i dint get the shot and i havent had it since so wearing a mask isnt going to help so i dont they should enforce masks at twitchcon this year.