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542 results found

  1. hola, por un error supongo, no me da el afiliado ya habiendo cumplido todos los requisitos para obtenerlo, no se si tengo q reclamarlo en algun lugar o solamente es un error

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded


    It may take a few days for the achievements page to sync with your channel analytics. Once it is synced, a button will appear that will take you to the registration for the Affiliate program. If 48 hours have gone by and you still need help, please reach out to our support team at


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  3. Alors voila quand je remplis la déclaration fiscale une chose très chiante se produit c'est que la personne sensée s'occuper de cette page a fait clairement de la merde je m'explique : En mettant Mon prénom et Mon nom de famille cela crée une erreur tout le temps car quand on répond au questionnaire relatifs aux droits d'auteurs(qui est en fait notre questionnaire fiscal déjà la on voit la traduction erronée) le nom et le prénom son mis l'un a coté de l'autre créant une erreur disant que mon nom/prénom ne correspond pas ! Hors aucune erreur d'orthographe ou autre…

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    If you're having issues with onboarding, please reach out to our support team via This is not a bug, all information must match throughout forms. Our support team can provide more guidance. Thank you.

  4. As an Affiliate, why do I have to wait to the 50$ Mark if I have recieved money from Twitch months before. Is it only once that you have to reach the 50$/100$ Wall and afterwards you got payed each month?

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    To determine whether you are eligible for a payout in the current month, you can check whether you've reached the $50 revenue threshold necessary for the payout. Revenue accumulated from the 1st of the month of your last payout, until the end of the previous month is considered. For example, December payout would be from Nov 1-30, if you had received a payout in November last. If you would like to review this in more detail, please reach out to our support team via Thanks.

  5. Hola. Tengo problemas con el afiliado pude completar todo correctamente pero el final lo de configuración de pago no pude ninguna de las opciones me sirve. Ya no puedo ser afiliado? Quiero ayuda.

    Al final terminas estancado con tu stream porque nunca podes evolucionar
    Te venden lo de q Twitch es la mejor plataforma para empezar y te encontrarás con todos estos problemas

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  6. acho que a afiliação esta bugado esses dias pois pego geralmente 10 pessoas e não sobe ponto de espectadores nem um por favor corrigem isso o mais rápido possivel

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Hey there,

    We understand this might be a bit confusing, but it typically can take some time for the Achievements page to sync with your data in the Channel Analytics page. We recommend waiting 48+ hours for this information to register properly. Thanks for your patience!

  7. Why does this message appear in my ads? "commercial break in progress"

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded


    This message indicates an ad is running for your viewers, although the ad itself is not usually viewable to the streamer.

  8. Hello, I have a question, I recently had a stream where I got 3.1 viewers, however the next day (yesterday) I accidentally started a stream and I had 0.6 viewers, does that affect the path to the affiliate?

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded


    Yes, it would, because the average viewer number is compiled over the span of 30 days. Hope this helps clarify.

  9. Im almost at 100 followers and on almost every stream I have 4-5 viewers but the media doesnt show this, I just wanna have access to points and the good stuff so my stream can interact more. I think I deserve it, Tio twitch ayuda

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded


    It typically takes some time for the Achievements page to sync with your data in the Channel Analytics page. We recommend waiting 48 hours for this information to register properly. If after that time, you still see no updates to your Achievements page, please reach out to our team at Please consider that these numbers are based off the average stats for each stream over the past 30 days. Thanks for your patience!

  10. In the first step, the zip code is optional to put in. In the 4th step, it won't let you fill in, can't click the next step, because the zip code is necessary. I restarted and finished, got approved pretty fast, but it should be fixed.

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Hi there,

    If you continue to receive an error regarding an empty field, this is because any information about you in Step 4 cannot be edited, as the information you entered in the earlier forms is used to pre-populate with details in Step 4. Apologies for this confusion. We will consider on how to make this more clear in the future.

  11. Баг в поле регистрации.
    В поле набора номера присутствует код города и после ввода всех цифр добавляется еще и цифра «8» после кода города))

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  12. ¡Vaya! Te nos has adelantado. Aún no hemos terminado de configurar tu acceso. Pero no tardaremos mucho más, así que actualiza la página en unos minutos y ya podrás comenzar.

    tengo ese error al momento de subir mis emotes o verificar el afiliado no sale nada, a alguien le a salido o que tipo de error es este

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Hi there,

    Please reach out to our team at to investigate this issue with uploading emotes. Thank you!

  13. Hola, ya hace 2 semanas me dieron el afiliado y todavía no me dan acceso a los emoticonos y a que mis espectadores obtengan puntos de canal. Entro todos los días porque en el mensaje dice que nunca se demoran y la verdad me quita esperanzas y me desmotiva. Porque ya había preparado todos los emotes y puntos.
    Espero puedan darme el acceso y que también mis espectadores reciban puntos, gracias los amo.

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Hey there,

    Please make sure that you have completed onboarding (registration) into the program to ensure access to these Affiliate features. Thank you. If you need assistance with onboarding, please reach out to our team at Thank you!

  14. 1 vote

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  15. hello I would like to apply for range companion twitch I have 199 folow so what are the requirements

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  16. 1 vote

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  17. For smaller streamers, it would be imho a nice pat on the back for those streamers in the USA(me including) to see payout minimum be $50 like all the countries you have this enabled for. Like for me, it's taken almost 7 months to get a payout, and I stream frequently. It's discouraging for smaller streamers to have to wait to get to $100 for the payout, with some not ever seeing a single cent that their subscribers/followers have sent them-(sometimes over a year just to get paid) We don't have the exposure or the finances to get our twitch…

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  18. Das für "Belohnungen und Herausforderungen" Profile erstellt werden können. Das die Sounds (Profil) passend zum Game ausgewählt werden können. Wenn man eher ein actionreiches Spiel spielt, das da lautere Sounds sind, als wie ein ruhigeres Spiel , wo man ruhigere Sounds möchte.

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  19. I have moved and was trying to update my address as it appears on this years tax forms per requirements. Would only allow the phone number to be edited. Please make it so that it is easier to edit your client details.

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Hi there,

    Please reach out to our team via to get assistance with updating payout information. Thank you!

  20. hice stream piden media de 75 hay más de 100 personas pero no me marca el avance se queda en 69 horas y hace dos días transmiti más de 15 horas y no avanzo quisiera saber si hay ayuda o solución

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