Viewer Count WRong
Hello, my viewer count always shows 1 maybe 2 viewers, however you can clearly see multiple accounts in chat watching. So not including viewers that don't have accounts, why is my stream showing only 1 viewer?
Hey everyone! Just wanted to pop on here to give some clarification.
Your Viewer Count reflects the total number of people watching your live broadcast, whether or not they have logged into a Twitch account. Your total Users in Chat reflects the number of logged-in Twitch accounts that are connected to your chat. In some instances, an account can be connected to your chat without watching your live broadcast - like chat bots, users in chat-only mode, or users in pop-out chat mode - which would then create a difference in your total number of Users in Chat and your Viewer Count. You can learn more about your Viewer Count and Users in Chat in this help article.
Thank you as always for the feedback!
skymac96 commented
Has anyone found a fix to this yet???
chainbreaker553 commented
Also happens to me
haterhurter1977 commented
i'm not 100% on this but people don't seem to be counted if they don't chat every 15 minutes or use emotes, refresh lurk
wubooh commented
my stream has started doing this over the last three weeks. ill have multiple people talking but it will say only one viewer
Platzda94 commented
bei mir ist es genauso ich habe 10 bis 30 Benutzer im chat laut der liste aber nur 2-5 Zuschauer keiner schreibt was keiner folgt das ist sehr merkwürdig
Elegant_Sin commented
Yes, twitch info is currently very inaccurate. I can confirm 5 friends are watching and have not tabbed away or anything, but it constantly shows only 2-3 viewers. How can anyone get 3 average viewers if twitch is this wildly inaccurate on view count? And supposedly you count as 1 view if your watching your own stream, so it extra does not make sense. All viewers in question have verified phones and emails and everything, why are they not counting as viewers? Also, I have 51 subscribers but achievements says I have 48 while the path to partner says 49. Twitch seems to be terrible about accuracy right now. I see why many people are YouTube streaming right now.
Zay0ox commented
have the problem aswell. 4/5 people in chat (not actively chatting but i see them in the chat list) and it shows only 1 or 2 viewers on my stream. really weird
luckyztr commented
Sorunu düzeltilmedi galiba, çünkü aynı sıkıntıyı ben de çekiyorum. Çözüldüyse nasıl olduğuna dair beni bilgilendirir misin?
İyi günler dilerim!
ClipZedGG commented
In the last 30 days on channel analytics it says i have over 3 average viewers and on my home page in creator dashboard it says "you are almost an affiliate" and says i have 2.9 average viewers this month.
Sammy_Wes commented
Hello! So when you go to my channel analytics page, it shows I'm averaging about 5 viewers per stream, and all of the other requirements are met. However, when I check on my affiliate status, the view count is substantially lower than the analytics page. I was wondering if this was common, and when should I expect the refresh?
ElYisuux commented
En el análisis del canal me pone media de espectadores de 3,0 y en la pestaña logros me pone 2,97 y lo he calculado sumando todas las medias entre los streams totales que he hecho y me sale 3,09 y eso me afecta para conseguir el afiliado .
BritishPeach78 commented
I have same problem am about to give up!!!
ISuckAtGaming00 commented
I am the same!
JstylezZ commented
eben das selbige beobachtet. ich kenne 4 der aktuellen viewer
MLGNoob_19 commented
I streamed today and had 6 average viewers But It dosen't count that in my channel analytics and it shows I got 0 viewers I'm tryna get to affiliate and this infuriates me a bit so I request to fix this . Yours sincerely, MLGNOOB
KillinUh03s1896 commented
Ya I had 4 people in my house with different accounts chatting and still only 1 viewer sometimes even 0 even with my stream running they need to fix that it's a joke ppl want to be able to see progress and its impossible when they keep you at 1 viewer all the time and even 10% rule should only matter in certain cases so I need 30 viewers to have there standard 3
squidjake_gaming commented
I have 80 followers, how is my view count getting lower? There must be some mistake. I've been trying to become an affiliate for at least a year now. And this is seriously frustrating.
DJNixInTheMix commented
I see no response from twitch on this.... I have screenshots where there are 60 viewers in my chat list and the viewer count is 32. Every stream for the past 2 months my viewer count is half of the amount of viewers in the list. Again tonight, 40 viewers on my list and it shows 22. So frustrating that you can't even get through to support without getting a 'canned' response.
MariusMaxTTV commented
its horrible. example my parents and my wife ar watching me from phone and they dont count caz we use all same internet and if i go to stream manager it will automatic take me 2 viewers. so i have always at list -5
BritishPeach78 commented
I think twitch does not know how to do percentages and averagerages...I can have over 90% of my stream 2 viewers and it will say that my average was 1. This is not right and for it to go up.01 everytime I have an average of three is bull. I would have been affiliate by now if twitch could do simple math and that viewers counted on my stream. Really not happy!!!!