Viewer Count WRong
Hello, my viewer count always shows 1 maybe 2 viewers, however you can clearly see multiple accounts in chat watching. So not including viewers that don't have accounts, why is my stream showing only 1 viewer?
Hey everyone! Just wanted to pop on here to give some clarification.
Your Viewer Count reflects the total number of people watching your live broadcast, whether or not they have logged into a Twitch account. Your total Users in Chat reflects the number of logged-in Twitch accounts that are connected to your chat. In some instances, an account can be connected to your chat without watching your live broadcast - like chat bots, users in chat-only mode, or users in pop-out chat mode - which would then create a difference in your total number of Users in Chat and your Viewer Count. You can learn more about your Viewer Count and Users in Chat in this help article.
Thank you as always for the feedback!
gueluca commented
Hi everyone.. did you solve this problem? I always have 6/7 people watching my stream and chatting but my viewer count is locked at 1/2.. how is it possible??
InsaneGameTV commented
I'm having the same problem with the viewer count not matching what viewers are in chat. It seems that more popular streamers have an accurate view count.
CNS_TwitchTV commented
Habe das selbe Problem...schon seit nervt einfach nur gerade...
Jedes Mal wenn man denkt es läuft und man kann den schlechten schnitt ausreißen kommt der schlechte Counter um die Ecke
FlopzYT commented
It's not a bug, people just aren't watching your stream.
ChaoticGoodest commented
Same here. Is this what's holding me back from affiliate? I regularly stream from console.
Slippiei commented
You should fix the problem for small streamers where the viewer count is delayed by about 40 seconds with your current viewer count
Corrop commented
Make viewer average work it just shows one
Just_A_Sonic_Fan commented
yea it's laggy
EhDee117 commented
ScrubGamerRN commented
I have this same issue mate, I am getting annoyed that it is preventing me from becoming affiliated when there are more viewers than they say!
ScrubGamerRN commented
I have this same issue for months now, I have family and friends watch my streams whenever I stream, upwards from 7-9 people at a time, and I am lucky if 2 out of those 7-9 show up in my stream. Even though all have their own accounts, are logged in and online, and are actively chatting in my stream. Can't get affiliated because I am stuck on 2.79 for months now.
DDGFriendan commented
Yeah, I have been having this issue for the past couple of days and it is extremely frustrating being on the brink of twitch a affiliate only to be brought down by incorrect viewer count.
kmesserli32 commented
Same issue. Doesn't make sense and doesn't add up. Frustrating when you are close to going affiliate.
Alan7411 commented
En el contador de espectadores no aparecen todos pero en los usuarios que están viendo el directo aparecen mas de los que están en el contador y a veces hasta escriben en el chat mas de los que aparecen en el contador.
Afrorockero commented
Twitch últimamente ha tenido un bug qué ha estado afectando a varios Streamers. Teniendo un bug que muestra 0 espectadores y se mantiene aún cuando se reinicia el Stream. Tendiendo obvia interacción en el chat.
En mi caso, tuve una interacción en mi chat con varios espectadores (7 aprox.), sin embargo, en un Stream de 1 hora y media, nunca cambio de 0.Éste bug ha hecho qué las analíticas del canal bajaran la media, siendo un problema para aquellos que buscamos la afiliación. Como respuesta, el mismo Twitch ha estado mencionando que ha estado trabajando para poder solucionar el bug.
Por vivencia propia y estando investigando, un elemento común fue el stream de consola. Por mi parte siendo en PS4 y por otro lado, una compañera con Xbox. Aún no hago pruebas, pero la compañera pudo "solucionar" el contador desintalando la app de su Xbox y volviéndolo a reinstalar.
El problema con la Dashboard, es que la analítica de ese Stream (0 viewers) no aparece, pero si cuenta el análisis de está. Haciendo bajar la media que tienes.
Otra situación es que desde el 24 de Junio de 2020 se conoce éste bug, pero desde el 1 de Julio fue donde se extendió más.
Una recomendación es qué, si estás buscando la afiliación y estás cuidando la media, será mejor que esperes un rato en hacer stream, sólo si notas que no cambian tus espectadores pero qué tengas interacción en el chat. Esto también aplicando al 1 viewer. E inmediatamente lo reportes a Twitch.
Si tienes consola y te sucedió esto, puedes considerar lo que hizo la compañera.
rpg_addict commented
this is not really an idea but more of a concern. My streams are continuously showing as 0 viewers even though people are commenting but also I have streamed every day this week but my stream summaries stopped at Wednesday. Why is this?
EmeraldNwGamer commented
I still believe there is an issue with viewer count, even with all the information you have re tweeted recently about such subject, i still feel like i have an in accurate view count due to how many users are in the chat list. Had family viewing on yesterdays stream but were not showing up as a viewer, was testing this morning and i know for sure the viewer count is wrong, I have 3 people in the house watching and chatting, all have accounts. not one registers as a viewer, had this issue since i started streaming on Twitch, Note: Streaming Directly From Xbox One using Twitch App
wavechecktv commented
my viewcount always says 0 even after being raided and hosted, plz fix
HowToDoItWrong commented
For the last two days, my viewer counts have not reflected the true number of viewers watching. My stream summary has also not updated since June 30th, although I've streamed several times since then over both days.
lilispr0use commented
was there a fix for this as i am getting the same falut