Viewer Count WRong
Hello, my viewer count always shows 1 maybe 2 viewers, however you can clearly see multiple accounts in chat watching. So not including viewers that don't have accounts, why is my stream showing only 1 viewer?
Hey everyone! Just wanted to pop on here to give some clarification.
Your Viewer Count reflects the total number of people watching your live broadcast, whether or not they have logged into a Twitch account. Your total Users in Chat reflects the number of logged-in Twitch accounts that are connected to your chat. In some instances, an account can be connected to your chat without watching your live broadcast - like chat bots, users in chat-only mode, or users in pop-out chat mode - which would then create a difference in your total number of Users in Chat and your Viewer Count. You can learn more about your Viewer Count and Users in Chat in this help article.
Thank you as always for the feedback!
Trippyx87 commented
I am also having this issue
Tatsuya_Draconov commented
This is all to true Twitch just doesn't seem to know how to count you can have over 5 people chatting and yet the stream thinks there are only maybe 2 people in there also it can't do the achievements properly either it knows I have over 50 followers even gave me the achievement for them but yet still says I only have 49 on the community achievement, they really need to up there game on this platform seeing how the right numbers count for everything on this platform don't get me started on the average viewers numbers not making no scene how can you have 0.35 of a viewer you either have the viewer or not get it together twitch.
PatDBeast commented
take in Count the people aiming for affliate. people are on the stream but your program telling me noone is viewing when they are . sometimes it works good. fix viewership bug
GGJaykins commented
I've seen this happen today to not just myself but another friend of mine who was streaming.
I clearly had a handful of people chatting/lurking in both of my streams today but only registered as 1/2 viewers.
When I was watching my friend stream earlier in the day, you could see clearly 5 different people in chat at the same time but counting as only 1 viewer!
This affected my stats badly going so close to affiliate!
Please fix this!
Krunder commented
Same here even when people are chatting
HelloSm1ley commented
Me too!
tsknea commented
Kanal analizimde şuan 3.2 ortlama izleyici 52 saat yayn gösterirken başarımlarda bu sayılar ortalama izleyici 2.95 yayın yaptığımm saat 45 saat . Bu durum yüzünden iştirak olamıyorum başarımlar sıkıntılı..
oSmackyTheFrogo commented
Have had this happening to me lately as well. I've had multiple people in my stream all night, all chatting, but it shows my viewer count as 1
Keiferpack commented
Seems to be a bug from twitch's end. i average 17-19 viewers all constantly talking and the last few days, ive had my chat consistently talk and only show 1 viewer
visceralrevolt commented
Same problem. I only show 1-2 viewers most of the time, even though I know i have half a dozen friends watching at any given time. Not very encouraging for new streamers trying to get a community going, seeing their averages drop artificially low.
SprouseSquad commented
Viewer Count Average hasn't updated
Carlitosc3 commented
Buenas tardes. Tengo un problema y es que en las estadisiticas de los directos tengo siempre una medía de más de 3 usuarios viendo el stream pero después a la hora de ver los logros para poder tener el afiliado. No se me actualiza. No se si será un bug o algún fallo pero es que no hay manera que suba esa media de 2.46 cuando en aboslutamente todos los directos tengo a más de 4-5 personas viendome.
S1Complex commented
i have the same issue, and have it every day
HiGhLaNDeR_Mk commented
Yep, I started yesterday seen more than one, also I wonder if the only viewer is me from the creators dash or it is someone else... But I reckon I had more than one since they were chatting along the stream.
fuorja commented
Então qual é a resposta para podermos resolver este problema?
YoungAbuDhabi595 commented
I don’t understand what’s going on for 3 days now all I’ve had is 1 viewer and I have multiple people watching me and it never shows
potterschoice101 commented
I have noticed that this is happening to me aswell there’s several people commenting on my live streams yet it’s only showing 1 person watching and it is affecting my stats. How the **** am I going to get affiliate if it’s doing this it’s not fair for any of us it’s happening to
smoken_insano commented
Estou com problemas minha média de espectadores tem sido 10, 12 mais no resumo de transmissão só cai pra 1.8
Alguém pode me explicar -
Prabh_100 commented
I will have anywhere from 3 - 7 people showing up in my users tab, but it always shows as only 1 viewer. The viewers I have a legitimate people with accounts. Any idea what's causing this?
CoachEstudio commented
Same with me. And I know they are not counting me as a viewer because every time I refresh the page my counter gets one more. After a few minutes I lose one viewer and have to do again. so annoying