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2361 results found

  1. Can't complete Affiliate Onboarding, denied access to enter my own banking information. Send Help.

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  2. 한국은 vod서비스도 없고 화질도 720p입니다 거기에 동시송출까지 막는다고 하면 한국 사람은 트위치에서 방송하지 말라는 겁니까 한국만 한정해서 동시송출 규정을 적용하지 않는건 어떻습니까

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  3. ich kann keine Twitch Social Media Links hinzufügen weiß aber nicht warum ich hoffe jemand kann mir helfen

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  4. nao estou conseguindo ver minha renda e nem cadastra minha conta bancaria

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Hello there,

    For assistance with your Onboarding process, please reach out to our support team through the Help Portal at - thank you for your understanding.

  5. It's been 4 months at least, may be you would talk to M$ to solve the audio stutter issues. And perhaps an increase on video bitrate.

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded


    If this is from the viewing perspective, please do let us know. At the moment Xbox is in charge of developing the broadcasting experience for the Twitch App, so it would be best to reach out to Xbox to report this issue. Thank you.

  6. this is the most ridiculous thing that twitch has added please vote to get rid of the termination fee of $25 fee is silly if we want to leave twitch has a affilate we can for free! not pay $25 dollars or whatever currencey its in

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    To clarify, we do not currently take $25 upon Affiliates for offboarding. Thank you.

  7. I would like to report a money issue. So i had 44.28$ for last month earnings but now i got 8.16$ added for this month and it only added the subscriber money instead of the rest of my earinings so i couldnt cash out my paycheck!

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    0 comments  ·  Revenue  ·  Admin →
    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Hello, sorry to hear this. I think there might be some confusion that could be eased with the following information. Please note that the default date range defaults to the last 30 days, so if some of that revenue that was part of the larger sum might be omitted from the default view. You can expand the date range further past the last 30 days on the top of the graph to check this. If you're still seeing issues, please do reach out to our support team for further assistance. Thank you!

  8. Я хочу получить сабки и битсы на свой канал, но не могу, потому что выдает вот такую вот ошибку: "Sorry. Unless you’ve got a time machine, that content is unavailable.", что делать?

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  9. Buenas, disculpe la molestia, me gustaría saber si mi canal es apto para el afiliado, por que según mi resumen mensual ya debería tener todos los requisitos aun que no me sale aun para Afiliarme, desde ya muchas gracias, que vaya bien!

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    It can take some time for the Achievements page to sync with your data in the Channel Analytics page. We recommend waiting 48 hours for this information to register properly. Once the requirements update, you should see the button to join (provided the requirements are complete). Thanks for your patience!

  10. I'm having trouble trying to stream. I'm on a chromebook, and it won't let me strem. And I also don't know how or where to hook up the pc, because I don't have any.

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  11. have 51 followers and says i have 32 and wont let me complete afiliation

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    It typically takes some time for the Achievements page to sync data. We recommend waiting 48 hours for this information to register properly. Thanks for your patience!

  12. I have a mod that should still be a mod that has lost privilege's. could you please look into it? The user is cherry blossom.

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  13. cuando pongo en forma de pago me dice para procesar sus pagos se debe proporcionar informacion adicional y le doy click y no me deja bajar para darle a hecho

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  14. There is a typo in the alerts management page. The bar up top says "GENERIC ALERS"


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    0 comments  ·  Alerts  ·  Admin →
    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Hey Renegade, this is the name of the alert box you created when setting up Twitch Alerts. If you haven't already, you can rename the alert box by clicking on the kebab menu in the alerts page. 

  15. make it so there is a button that says''stream now'' and whatever tab u go to it record's it please:)

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  16. When I'm streaming, the button of Add Marker don't work. I really need it to be able to post the good times of my stream in other platforms. Please fix it.

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  17. My vods for three days now have random muted parts and I’m just talking in them maybe twitch hates my beautiful mustache but I’d like it if they can stop randomly muting my streams please thx ☺️

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  18. I found that the wrong capitalization is used in the Users in Chat option. I believe they should correct this.

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  19. 1 vote

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded


    You can use Twitch Inspector ( to check what could be causing your stream to crash. It can help determine whether there's something wrong with your set up or your internet. If you are using a third-party software to broadcast, you can further refer to the forums of the broadcasting software to troubleshoot this issue.

  20. Lately my stream auto shuts down after 2 hours

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Hey there,

    Have you noticed this occur when you start the stream after the game? Not sure what is being streamed, but I have read up that there is a possibility that this occurs when the game is started before the stream. If that doesn't help, could you please reach out to our support team via Thank you!

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