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542 results found

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  2. Tengo un problema con Twitch desde hace ya varios meses, pensando que se trataba de un error y leyendo los comentarios me doy cuenta que si es así, y es que en mi canal el número de seguidores del día 7 de agosto del 2023 contaba con 376 seguidores, y hoy 8 de agosto volví a bajar a 374, uno pensaría que simplemente dejan de seguir el canal, o eso pensaba porque ya van muchos meses que pasa esto y hoy me di a la tarea de contar a mis seguidores del canal y resulta que tengo 411 que aún…

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    As mentioned earlier in my response, the channel page number for followers might be off - this is a visual bug. For context, it occurs when channels are deleted, suspended, or sometimes even when a name of a user has changed. The number will be corrected over time. Apologies for the confusion this creates!

  3. cuando me quiero afiliar me manda a Lo sentimos. A menos que tengas una máquina del tiempo, ese contenido no está disponible.

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  4. Necesito saber como cambiar la región de mi cuenta, hace poco me mude desde Uruguay para argentina pero mi cuenta sigue figurando como Uruguay

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Sorry, but it's unclear in which instance you're referencing changing your region. If this is regarding your Affiliate/Partner Program information, please complete onboarding again to update this information. Thank you. If you need additional help, please reach out to our support team via -- thank you.

  5. Buenas tardes

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Please note that the Onboarding process might take longer than 2 days, especially considering holidays and weekends. Thank you for your patience.

  6. Tengo todos los requisitos, y en los logros cuando pulso el boton dice:

    "¡Enhorabuena! Puedes optar al estado de afiliado.

    le pulso y no logro que me salga el formulario me sale un error que dice

    "Lo sentimos. A no ser que tengas una máquina del tiempo, ese contenido no está disponible."

    que puedo hacer ayuden me por favor.

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded


    If you are having issues clicking the button to join the Affiliate Program, please reach out to our support team via -- they'll be able to help you out. Thank you.

  7. Can't complete Affiliate Onboarding, denied access to enter my own banking information. Send Help.

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  8. 한국은 vod서비스도 없고 화질도 720p입니다 거기에 동시송출까지 막는다고 하면 한국 사람은 트위치에서 방송하지 말라는 겁니까 한국만 한정해서 동시송출 규정을 적용하지 않는건 어떻습니까

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  9. nao estou conseguindo ver minha renda e nem cadastra minha conta bancaria

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Hello there,

    For assistance with your Onboarding process, please reach out to our support team through the Help Portal at - thank you for your understanding.

  10. this is the most ridiculous thing that twitch has added please vote to get rid of the termination fee of $25 fee is silly if we want to leave twitch has a affilate we can for free! not pay $25 dollars or whatever currencey its in

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    To clarify, we do not currently take $25 upon Affiliates for offboarding. Thank you.

  11. Я хочу получить сабки и битсы на свой канал, но не могу, потому что выдает вот такую вот ошибку: "Sorry. Unless you’ve got a time machine, that content is unavailable.", что делать?

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  12. cuando pongo en forma de pago me dice para procesar sus pagos se debe proporcionar informacion adicional y le doy click y no me deja bajar para darle a hecho

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  13. i cant register my companion status, please help me

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  14. I received an email that my payment is on hold. They asked for data, which I provided. I don't get a reply to the email, only by AI.
    Can you write to a real person?

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded


    Those emails are sent automatically to notify you from a do-not-reply address. To reach our support team to investigate this issue, please use the following link: Thank you.

  15. fiz 10 horas de live 22 minutos de anuncios por hora nao recebi nada media de 48 pessoas na live

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  16. Intento ser afiliado pero no me deja terminar el registro y solo se queda con una etiqueta que dice bajo revisión, ya pasaron 3 semanas y recien volvi a hacer el formulario pero en la ultima opcion de metodo de pago no puedo pasar del paso 1 ya que los recuadros para nombres me los pide obligatorios y no me deja introducir ninguna letra, ya no se que hacer

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  17. no puede ser que pongan en resumen medias de 2,3 3,1 cosas asi y luego en medias al mes pongais 0.17 o por ejemplo horas stremeadas pongan 3h de stream y luego ponga que hice 1, 68 h , esto es un robo , y merecemos un respeto

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  18. 1 vote

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  19. не подключается компаньон твича, пытался заполнить последний бланк "настройка выплат" нажимаю на "физическое лицо" хочу заполнить "имя", а он не заполняется, возможно какая-то ошибка.
    пишет что "на рассмотрении", хотя я не заполнил последнее.

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    Closed  ·  Ana responded

    Hey there,

    Depending on which information was filled earlier, certain fields may not be available and you may need to restart onboarding. This is because any information about you in "Step 4: Payout Method" cannot be edited, as the information in this form is pre-populated with details provided in the previous steps of onboarding.

  20. Aun no me ha llegado el segundo el pago ni a PayPal ni a mi cuenta bancaria. Tampoco me deja cambiar la forma de pago (genera siempre un error)

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