Add Galician option on Live Stream information settings
As a Galician streamer I love to watch other galician streamers. But twitch plataform don't allow me to set that my videos are in Galego because I can't specify that I'm streaming in Galego. I must choose: "Others".
This situation creates a problem for at least 3.000.000- 4 million people that speak galician because we have no easy method to find videos/streams in our language.
For that reason, We will really appreciate that twitch adds Galician (Galego) language as an option on Language settings of Live Streams.
NOTE: that we are not asking to translate the whole platform. We only want an easy way for galicians and any other existant language to filter the content and classifty it.
Catalan, which had a similar problem, was included recently
Thanks in advance for your support.
csabadin commented
Toda forma de manisfestación cultural en galego, xogos inclusive, deben ser apoiadas e incentivadas. Boa iniciativa.
daviidgb commented
Boa iniciativa! e necesario
sanchezanxo commented
Boa iniciativa!
brais_camposino commented
"Galician" it's an official language.
XurxoDiz commented
Sorely needed!
alexespinosagz commented
En galego!!
quenfora commented
Arriba co galego!
KaisQuest commented
Honestly I'd love to be allowed to mark Galego as my streaming language and see other streamings.
xosepr commented
En Galego, please!
popeluss commented
It's an official language with millions of speakers.
The "Galician" streaming category is necessary. -
OSonDasIdeas commented
Moito ánimo con isto. A verdade é que agora mesmo sen usar plataformas externas é imposible atopar novos streams en galego.
inowol commented
Claramente hai que apoiar esta proposta, queremos twitch en galego ✊
farun commented
I support this iniciative. Galician is an official language with a lot of streamers waiting for this language setting.
jouirecord commented
Bona sort companys gallecs! :D
Sergioanos99 commented
Boa iniciativa esperemos levala adiante
Enxebre_Gamer commented
Se queredes comentade tamén, para que os de Twitch se fixen nisto ;)