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56 results found

  1. However in my region (still Sweden) I am not able to gamble with channel points. I can only bet on whoever wins with 0 channel points.

    Bad translation, trash translation, pretty silly translation

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  2. "Sørlige" is not a word in danish... I guess you mean "særlige" because that translates to "special". That being said I do not know what the word actually is supposed to be, as I have not seen the English edition of twitch in that category before. The only thing i do know, is that sørlige is not a word.

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  3. In a Hungarian language, the result text is not translated to Hungarian. It sais

    "A következő körben hol végzünk?? Mi leszünk a bajnokok!

    Nobody thought this would happen"

    The last sentence is not translated.

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  4. When hovering over a linked streamer in the title of a stream the word Streaming is translated as Atrømmer instead of Strømmer. Strømmer is the correct translation.

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  5. Error in:
    Svare (change to Svarer)
    sørlige (change to særlige)
    ...and more

    Admin audit: removed offensive title to better reflect general issue

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  6. The Norwegian translation for Disabled is incorrect. According to my Mod, the correct term is: Nedsatt funksjonsevne

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  7. The translation for "Happy Partner Anniversary" should be "Feliz aniversario de Partner PartyHat" for both Spanish and Latin American Spanish

    The Latin Spanish current message is "¡Feliz aniversario de Partner con PartyHat!"
    This message translates to "¡Happy Partner anniversary with PartyHat" which is close to the actual message but the word "con" shouldn't be there.

    And the Spanish current message is "¡Feliz aniversario de asociación con PartyHat!"
    Which translates into "Happy association anniversary with PartyHat!" which is pretty far from the original message and it doesn't make that much sense when reading it.

    Everyone uses the word Partner in the…

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  8. Currently, the title of the classification label in Finnish reads as "Tarkoitettu tietynlaiselle yleisölle" which translates as "Intended for a certain kind of audience". I'd propose using the translation "Tarkoitettu rajoitetuille yleisöille" which translates back into English as "Intended for limited audiences." There is a difference of tone and meaning, but most importantly the plural form of the original "Intended for certain audiences" is conserved.

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  9. The traditional Chinese translation for the term 'DropsEnabled' is '啟用掉寶', but the current display shows '启用掉宝' which is simplified Chinese instead of traditional Chinese.

    And also, there are many texts in simplified Chinese characters in your customer service feedback menu. Please check your text errors.

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  10. In the danish translation of twitch the chat slow-mode notification is "Du kan chatte i X sekunder", and it has to be "Du kan chatte om X sekunder". It seems kinda weird to me...

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  11. I suggest change current translation of Follow ("Отслеживать") to "В избранное" and Following ("Отслеживаемое") to "Избранное" and Followers ("Фолловеры:") to "В избранном:"
    That might sound better.

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  12. Currently clips has overlapping text on suggested stream.
    I suggest to shorten it from "ПРЯМАЯ ТРАНСЛЯЦИЯ" to "В ЭФИРЕ" as on other places of Twitch.

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  13. When set to Japanese, Twitch uses a bunch of Chinese titles for games instead like Dishonored 2 is shown as "冤罪殺機 2" (Chinese) instead of "ディスオナード2". This is especially bad because in Japanese the title is also written as plain English "Dishonored 2" as can be seen on the game's box (

    If you don't have a single person competent enough to tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese at least just leave the English titles instead because that's at least intelligible to Japanese users.

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  14. In the cancellation emails "Ihr Abonnement wurde storniert", there is a space missing after the date.

    Current Translation:
    "Ab dem in dieser Mail angegebenen Datum wurde dein Abo gekündigt und wird sich nicht verlängern. Bis zum 1. Jul 2024genießt du weiterhin deine Abonnementvorteile."

    Expected Translation:
    "Ab dem in dieser Mail angegebenen Datum wurde dein Abo gekündigt und wird sich nicht verlängern. Bis zum 1. Jul 2024 genießt du weiterhin deine Abonnementvorteile."


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  15. Slovak translation of category ,,just chatting,, has been changed recently to ,,Len sa rozprávame,,. Although the translation is right, it just doesnt sound right. Its a cheap word by word translation. Change it back to ,,Chatovanie,,.

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  16. È anche possibile modificare solo l'uso delle lettere maiuscole nel nome visualizzato
    Message is shown up when i try to customize my "Nome Visualizzato" field
    You have to delete the word "anche" it is wrong useless and confusing in this phrase. For more feedback or help with italian, russian and ukrainian translations feel free to contact me.

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  17. I have found a translation error on the following page ( In the upcoming streams section on the followed page, if there is less than 1 hour left to the stream, for example, let's say 38 minutes left to the stream, instead of writing "38 dakika sonra başlıyor", it is written "38 dakika sonra dakika sonra başlıyor". This means something ridiculous like "It starts in 38 minutes after the minute" in English.

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  18. When hovering over a stream that is atted (@example_username) is says "Atrømmer" in norwegian, the correct word is "Strømmer" meaning streaming.

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  19. Hello! There is a typo in the French Moderation panel, in the Level 2 of Ban Evasion Detection block: "Likely Evaders" and "Possible Evaders" are both translated in "Personnes contournant possiblement un bannissement".

    In that way, in the first menu selector: "Personnes contournant possiblement un bannissement : Les personnes susceptibles de contourner un bannissement seront restreintes. Leurs messages ne seront envoyés qu'aux modérateurs." the word "possiblement" should be replaced by "probablement".


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  20. Because す(su) is written as '스' in Korean.
    or just leave it osu! (like Just Chatting. It's best way.)

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