73 results found
2 votes -
A share stream button Basically this share stream button is another way to help your favorite streamers grow their community big or small. Each viewer get to share 1 time every 30 minutes so that will be 2 shares a hour. One share disappear each hour so viewers have to keep sharing in order to keep the stream popular. In a separate tab on twitch, you click to see which streamers are hot commodities. The total number of shares receive a flame beside it. The more shares, the bigger the flame get. You can filter by game category to help with interest or you…
2 votes -
UNFOLLOW CONFIRMATION ON SMARTPHONE TWITCH APP Why the **** you won't add in Twitch app A CONFIRMATION to unfollow.
You know this PROBLEM exists since 2015 and you did nothing to fix it.Problem occurs when you click on user nick and you accidentally click unfollow, it resets your time and make everyone feel bad.
Fix it *********.
3 votes -
Feedback Fix the stream tag thing 'cause it doesn't work on my twitch app, and it frequently crashes during streaming so optimize it more. Fix the bugs, that's all!
2 votes -
Twitch Stream Together seems highly unstable. Serious video issues. Not showing my guest. Twitch Stream Together doesn't seem to be working right. My guest's cam feed is showing black/not sharing their video. It was working - and then it went black.
2 votes -
Bot De Spectateur en Moyenne Instable, ignorant certains spectateurs du Live ... Plus déconnexion de streaming live à répétition ... Revisiter les ChaBots et les Bot de Spectateur en moyenne ... Ils sont trop instable et change de nombre toute les 3 seconde à défaut ... Et ma Chaîne en subit les conséquences ... Merci Cordialement .
2 votes -
Show up in follower feeds as a guest on someone else's Stream Together session Right now, if you are not broadcasting and join someone else's Stream Together, you will not show up in your followers' feeds as "live": you show up fine as a +1 for the host of the stream, as well as the other live participants, but your own followers have no idea of your involvement in these streams on their follower feed unless you start your own broadcast (which is bad in certain scenarios, that I will expand upon in a bit).
Hence why I suggest that if you are not "live", but still participating in a Stream Together session, you…
6 votes -
Kurva anyátokat cigányok Remove the twitch whores, this isnt pornhub *******.
Vote to remove the whores who are farming simps.1 vote -
Community Challenge Community challenges should have the ability to add a vote option to the challenge.
E.x Play a scary horror game...
You can choose between:
* Amnesia
* Enderman
* Resident Evil
* All are good!This will engange the community more & at the same time be some sort of indirect feedback what the community likes
2 votes -
personlized commands Would be nice with a possibility to have a (limited amount of) personlized chat short-cuts, so that if you only have to write ie. /<unique_prefix><command name> to write a standardized text...
Type = /djohnnorthwohe
Text in chat = I'm going absolutely woooheeeeeee right now! Untz untz untz!2 votes -
capitalization of username (Display name) in chat As a streamer you can customize capitalization for your username (Display name), but as a username in chat this capitalization is not shown. Please make it consistant - and not only for streamers, but for all users.
Ie. my capitalized display name is DJohnNorth, but in chat it's Djohnnorth.
2 votes -
Guest Star Help Make a video walkthrough of Guest Star, and include it within Guest Star, rather then streamers having to hunt for help
2 votes -
TWITCH對於小型實況主的長期影響 請看看我們吧! 1.很希望訂閱抽成可以減少 這樣絕對會有更多人留在此平台 幫你們打工
2.請關注一下小型創作者 畢竟他們也在為你們工作並帶來收益 不要因為他們為你賺得少就忽視他們
3.掛台人數起伏 非常之大 希望在後台看到的人數就是真實人數 不要讓小型創作者覺得自己在做無用功 可悲至極
4. 希望任何創作這都能收到大型活動的通知
5.請多關注我們小台 我們也在為了展現自己而努力
6. 女生優勢很多 也不要對男性創作者雙標如此嚴重
7.請認真審核 所有檢舉內容
以上 我在TWITCH 直播一年半 費盡心思 不是最久 一定有比我堅持更久的創作者
請不要無視我們 不關注我們 請把資源也分一點給我們 拜託了 一切都是為了平台跟創作者可以雙贏 請傾聽我們許多小台的心聲 或許我們無法為你們賺最多錢 但我們大部分人苦撐很久 費盡心思 <32 votes -
Title: Twitch Ctooniverse: Where Streaming Meets Collectible Ctoons, Battlecards, and Virtual Auctions! YOUTUBE/KICK CANT BEAT THIS Title: Twitch Ctooniverse: Where Streaming Meets Collectible Ctoons, Battlecards, and Virtual Auctions!
Dear Twitch Staff,This can all be relatively cheap and doesnt have to have a crazy budget/ visuals, graphics even though I guess servers will have to be figured out. I think the interaction itself will be priceless and non expendable. I think the engagement and interactivity you'll be getting will make it more than worthwhile.
I am thrilled to present an innovative concept that will revolutionize the Twitch experience, combining the charm of collectible Ctoons, the excitement of Battlecards, and the thrill of virtual auctions. Introducing…
2 votes -
Raid "Leave" button should say "Don't Raid" or "Stay" Clicking "Leave" to stay on the channel is misleading :)
6 votes -
Reconsider the recent changes to the Twitch Terms of Service (6/6/2023), including those centered around branding. After receiving a notification about the changes to the Twitch Terms of Service on 6/6/2023, it is clear that there are changes that greatly affect streamers and how they are able to earn an income through the Twitch platform. Before I begin, I highly recommend that Twitch consider creating a way to be able to highlight changes made to their Terms of Service when they are updated, as there was no indication of WHAT changed specifically until I saw a thread on social media explaining it. This is an easy fix to a frustration that many have when a website's…
35 votes -
Make adding reactions to a video easier and more efficient CURRENTLY:
Desktop browser, you have to press the reaction-button below or on the video (depending on mode), which will bring up a popup where you can select a reaction, and then get a second popup that thanks you.
Mobile browser, there's no button to add a reaction.
Android app, there's no button to add a reaction.
This discourages the usage of reactions since it prevents some, and adding a reaction is too tedious. I've tried adding reactions myself, but I keep forgetting to add reactions since I don't see the button, and the popups blocking the video is…
1 vote -
Make viewer streak start without missing a stream Hi,
I have the viewer streak feature on my stream and noticed the streak only starts when missing a stream first.
It would be nice to have the streak start even for viewer who didn't miss any stream.4 votes -
let audible content be like a watch party. Ye simple. Let me play my audible purchases for my audience. Lemme make my boring grindy content spicy with good books.
2 votes -
The Unfollow and notification bell should be moved away from the "React" text. The Unfollow and notification bell should be moved away from the "React" text.
Having a heart icon (<3) next to "React" makes it seem like the heart is a way to "Like" the broadcast for people new to the Twitch user interface.
Obviously, if people were patient in learning the UI, they wouldn't accidentally unfollow the streamer, but accidents do happen when people are in a hurry (or drunk)... click click click
I would recommend moving the Heart and Bell closer to the streamer's name, but in a way that doesn't copy YouTube's design. LUL
2 votesAna respondedHey there,
Thank you for your input on the placement of this button. I have moved this feedback to the Creators and Stream Features forum for further consideration! Thanks again,
- Don't see your idea?