Keep the Reruns Feature Going!
There are currently whispers that Twitch is planning to remove the rerun feature. I can provide a reasonable case why this feature should remain. I'm sure there are many communities who utilise this feature to come together and watch broadcasts outside of their time-zone, and have seen as much from twitter. I, and many others, view reruns for a different reason. We're a part of Reckful's community, many in our community only interact in chat during the reruns his Editors put on for us from time to time.
Not only do these reruns facilitate us to remember and celebrate the life of Byron, they also help us stay together as a grieving community and look out for one another. I can't tell you how many late night chats I've had, helping, sharing moments, and laughing with other chatters in Reckful's community during Reruns. I've even gotten to meet a few IRL.
I firmly believe getting rid of this feature kills our community, and forgets about one of the most important streamers the platform has had. Even as I write this, I'm watching and chatting in a Rerun of an old Hearthstone VOD.
Please keep Reruns alive!
FrostNeptune commented
#KeepRerunsAlive This feature is crucial for the continued existence of many Twitch communities. Removing it would be harmful to so many people that depend on it to remain connected to their community.
ripbyron commented
keep rerun alive
KuZanHS commented
Reckful had a significant impact on Twitch's success. He pioneered the way viewers and streamers interacted.
He deserves his VODs to be rerun as long as Twitch exists. Do the right thing.
Rifftic commented
#KeepRerunsAlive never forget the greatest streamer twitch ever had <3
DimitryKKomrade commented
Don't watch other reruns apart from Reckful's. Keep it. Keep his legacy alive
smoother__1 commented
Love reruns...a part of Twitch history
xzarrus commented
LUFKCER_ commented
Reckful’s reruns are the main reason that his community can get together and reminisce over byron and how much his streams helped a lot of us. Please don’t get rid of them <3
bh4tti commented
ExiZTenZe commented
The legacy of Reckful lives on through these reruns, keep the reruns alive!
riddiick1991 commented
Why on earth stop the Reckful re-runs? let our little community be.
Semlan03 commented
Please keep this feature, really want to continue watching reckful reruns with the community! <3
WO_moody commented
that's so disrespectful towards reckful and all his work on the platform, considering he's one of the most important reasons twitch popped and got to where the site is. his impact on ppl is unmatched and reruns should be kept for him alone. shady
BoltharHS commented
This is how we still see Reckful…
asuna_qt commented
Please do not remove reruns, we still want to watch Reckful reruns with our community we made :(
zinfandel42 commented
I would definitely like to keep the reruns feature going!
I feel like the reruns of Byron/Reckful has one of the most single positive community/chat on twitch. Especially for mental health, it has become a safe place where people can share and talk about their issues at hand, get positive reinforcement from likeminded people. Very few toxic people in a place that people magnet for reminiscing/celebrating a valued life lost -
Rheeno commented
He's right. Even if reruns were to be removed, twitch would have to find a unique solution to keep them running on Reckfuls stream. It really matters. No doubt!