Popout twitch chat on VODs
Whenever someone wants to watch VODs they can't enjoy the duel screen experience properly of popout twitch chat. Theather mode forces you to have the chat next to the video AND on the same monitor. Please let us pop out the chat on VODs.
Please give us VODboys some love.
Lazyjoules commented
This would be an amazing solution for viewing the VODs of broadcasters that have an emphasis on their audio, while still being able to view the chat while navigating other windows.
BreadBullNF commented
This used to be a thing and I can't for the life of me understand why they decided to remove it.
talha commented
Po pour twich
Marco commented
This has to be a thing. TWICH LETS GO
Anonymous commented
Its so dumb that its not a thing yet, it would improve the experience for multi monitor users dramatically!
GGuts commented
VOD chat is so laggy on my end. Live chat is fine.
Anonymous commented
YES I need this in my life. I need to hack their page now to make it work with 2 videos running at once and one muted
Samalot commented
I want to be able to watch the video in fullscreen on one monitor and have a popout chat in fullscreen on my other monitor please! Can we please get the same functionality for VODs as a normal stream.