183 results found
reactive old and undeleted and whatever and maybe a site to find passed/dated vod’s and clips and possibly reasonable stuff to undeleted And maybe find and Re-uploaded Justintv
Vods like especially captainSparklez
Probably pdts as well1 vote -
Optimizing the app for scrolling Imagine being able to double click on the screen and be able to go 10 seconds back or forward, we're not living in 2012 after all, be like pornhub, youtube think of your customers. Now I double click and chat comes up, I scroll to the side and chat comes up it's not optimal and it's annoying hope you understand what I mean <3 ;)
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Video buffering image Instead of the purple circle that goes round to show the video is buffering, have a streamer uploaded image that displays instead. If you do this you can get rid of offline channel image on the player because people will be customed to using trailers.
So yeah, a custom buferring image o the streamers' choice to replace purple circle.
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계속 시청 동영상 삭제에 관하여 계속 시청 동영상을 삭제 하려면 그 동영상을 끝가지 봐야 삭제 할 수 있습니다. 그런데
정기구독자 전용 동영상을 삭제 하려면 정기 구독을 하고 동영상을 끝까지 봐야 삭제 할수 있는데 실수로 잘 못 눌렀다가 좋아 하지도 않는 스트리머를 정기구독 까지 해서 동영상을 삭제 해야 할 필요가 있을까요? 너무 불편합니다.@. 그냥 시간 지나면 자동으로 삭제 될 수 있도록 하거나 설정에서 "계속 시청 동영상 삭제" 기능을 넣었으면 좋겠습니다.
꼭 넣어주세요 트위치는 저의 인생이자 저를 지금 까지 살아갈수 있게 해주는 원동력 입니다. 사랑합니다.
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Stream Sync It would be cool if you can sync the streams. Either from the streamer or viewer.
If, for example, 4 streamers play something together, you could watch everyone at the same time. Would be a cool novelty, which has never been possible before.
As an example Amoung Us: You could see where everyone is at the exact time, which would be cool for other moderation games as well.
If there is a difference of 10-20 seconds between the streams, it is not possible to follow several at the same time.1 vote -
Audio Monitoring Would be nice if we can monitore our audio from streams.
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Elapsed stream time counter I'd like to know how long a stream has been going when in my following or browsing, etc. It would just make it a lot easier to pick who to watch if I knew if they were ending soon.
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haptic Relay haptic feedback (e.g. Controller Vibration) using built-in web browser support.
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Schedule publishing of uploads Hello! I'm a streamer who regularly uploads her VODs and highlights to YouTube and Twitch. I like to schedule my uploads in advance, so that new VODs are on the YouTube channel at the same time each morning. YouTube has this as a feature, although I'm not aware of any scheduling feature that Twitch currently has.
While manual publishing is adequate, I would like to see a similar scheduling feature here, which would allow for a similar level of control. Thank you for considering!
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Give me back pip. How is it bad if I have twitch up while I browse other apps?
YouTube premium offers this and if it’s not brought back to twitch I’m buying that instead. Big streamers are moving there anyway.
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Brightness and Warm Light Settings Could you add a brightness button, and a warm light setting to the streaming settings next to the quality button. I feel like this idea could save a lot of eye strain for late-night viewers and streamers.
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Watch together When you watch something with your friends it is imposible to watch it at the same time. Easy fix it to create a room like watchtogether for youtube.
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Like button during Live and "most liked moments" displayed on Replays I have just thought of an idea, which is to allow viewers to hit a "Like" button so when I see the Replays, it can show me when there is a lot of "Likes". It will allow me to check the best moments as I could just click the "most liked moments" in the Replays.
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Twitch-Fenster aufteilen in 9-12 Fenster Meine Idee
Das Fenster im Twitch auf 9-12 kleine Fenster teilen, damit man nicht immer mit den Tabs hin und her switchen muss, dass ist ziemlich mühsam. Ich persönlich schaue mehrere Streamer gleichzeitig.
Jedes kleine Fenster wäre live aber nur eines hat Ton, der mit einem Mausklick (Cursor auf dem Fenster) aktiviert oder deaktiviert wird. Will man den Twitch, falls der in diesem Moment einem gefällt im großen Fenster sehen, so klickt man mit der Maus zweimal auf das Fenster und es vergrößert sich mit Bild und Ton.
Mir ist aufgefallen das Streamer die zB. während des Spielens im GTA…1 vote -
Download videos to phone Watching Twitch streams is killing my mobile plan. I would love the option to download streams/videos to my phone. not just clips.
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The addition of two soundtracks, the streamer's microphone and his sounds from the computer, because I like to listen to the streamer himsel The addition of two soundtracks, the streamer's microphone and his sounds from the computer, because I like to listen to the streamer himself and play the game, and if he himself plays the same game he bothers me a lot.
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video parts Ok so sometimes people miss their favorite streamers and when they want to watch it later they go to his video and start to look for the part where he plays Valorant for example or something so you can introduce a feature in the video progress bar titles like when he is just chatting then he switched to another you can see it in the video progress bar as sections ( mods can also edit it if they want or they make it changes with the titles ' playing GTA gives section in the progress bar then when it changes,…
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Show followed streamers 'online' that are not streaming on their own channels but are featured on other streams currently live For example, streamer mikey123 is at streamer janey789's house, or just participating in her stream. His followers don't have any way currently of knowing that he is there, unless they follow janey789 and see she is online. Showing him as 'online' and maybe something else like 'in another stream' would bring more of his followers to the stream, giving janey789 or whoever else more exposure.
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Give streamers the ability to run a pre-roll about me video. Similar to the new viewer chat window rules pop up; giving streamers the ability to have a new viewer about me pre-roll intro could be useful.
Lots of times viewers aren't reading the bio a streamer takes a lot of time to craft. Giving the option to run a short video could elevate repeat questions.
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Ghosting hello my name is nicolas i'm 15 years old i'm from brazil and i came to give a suggestion, i follow many streamers who play fps games and always had the problem of ghosting: the person who is on the opposing team can know where you are from your live, delay is a tool that makes it impossible to communicate well with the chat, so I came to give a suggestion: you could add, make a function with which the streamer could block a certain person from seeing your screen, because normally the person's nickname in the game is the…
1 vote
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