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184 results found

  1. The person who streams and saves the content should be able to upload it to their photo gallery In the app. It would probably help out a lot of new youtubers trying to get content for their channel

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  2. Give us a checkbox for all kind of Videos (Uploaded, Highlights, etc.) that will make the Video just available for Subscribers. if it's unchecked, then it's available for all Viewers. This checkbox should be available in the video edit area.

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  3. Allow adding markers during the stream to moments that already passed.

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  4. This would allow us to reference a Highlight video's original instance. Currently, there is no way to associate a highlight with its parent video/broadcast aside from the title, which is unreliable.

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  5. Nachdem schon viele Streamer bereits verzögert streamen, wäre es von großem Nutzen wenn es eine Option gebe die es den Streamern(oder evtl. deren Mods) ermöglichen würde das Gesagte(Audio) auszupipsen. 
    Das könnte dann so funktionieren: 
    Wenn Jemand beispielsweise etwas unangemessenes sagen würde, könnte man diesen Shortcut drücken die ein Pop-Up Fenster öffnet. Auf diesem Fenster sehen die Streamer nun das aktuelle Bild die, die Zuschauer gerade zu sehen bekommen. Nun könnten Sie diese Stelle selbst (oder eben deren Mods) auspipsen. 
    Natürlich könnte man dann eventuell auch eine zusätzliche Option hinzufügen in diesem Fenster auch das Bild an gewissen Stellen verschwommen zu…

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  6. There should be an option to have multiple different streams running on the same channel with a simple GUI layout so users can focus on the stream they want to watch while getting the full audio of the channel. This would allow multiple streamers to stream concurrently and each be doing there own thing while users can choose which streamer they want to watch but all the streamers are on the same channel streaming as a group. This would be great for groups of people who want to stream together and engage in conversation with each other instead of one…

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  7. Ability to move the mini player window around and resize it when you scroll down the screen. It's current positioning gets in the way of some panels.

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  8. This is more specific than adding a fancy video editor. The main issue is whether to delete short stream saves when your server starts lagging and you quit the stream and search for a new one. If we could combine them into one video then at least we could save this content and attach it to a larger save, so we wouldn't lose the continuity.

    I realize that you can download both vids and stitch 'em together and reupload them, but this is not the point.

    I don't really think we need a video studio but it would be nice…

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  9. could you change, cinema mode so that it becomes fullscreen with chat instead on having top and bottom bar visible. It kind of ruins the whole cinema feeling.

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  10. Select multiple channels option to watch (4 max) instead of using third party software or other web apps or sites.

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  11. An option to turn off the "que" for another random stream when watching saved streams. It's annoying to be woken up in the middle of the night to a loud stream randomly playing after the one I started finished.

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  12. Allow to manually start the livestream from the beginning while the livestream is live. Viewers may join the livestream late and miss a large portion of the stream. As a result, they will have to wait until the livestream is over to start the livestream again to watch what they’ve missed. YouTube livestream videos allow users to watch any portion of the livestream at any time while the livestream is live. Implementing this feature will save viewers valuable time to catch up on livestreams instead of having to wait until the livestream is over watch what they’ve missed.

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  13. When I have a 720p stream open on my 1080p monitor, the Display Resolution is 1530x777. This slight bit of scaling can cause a noticeable amount of blur on the stream, most noticeable with small text on the stream.

    I am requesting an option where the display resolution would match the stream quality, and just center the actual player in the available player area. If one resizes the browser window smaller then the edges of the display resolution, the edges of the stream would just get pushed under the UI and go offscreen. Plus, I would hope that not dynamically…

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  14. If your channel is set to "mature", then all your VODs and Clips are also marked as requiring a "mature" confirmation to view.
    However, a clip from a "mature" stream may, independently, lack any mature content. And it could be that an otherwise family-friendly stream had a somewhat mature moment that was clipped, and rather than removing it to keep the "not-mature" rating on the channel, being able to mark the independent clip as mature would be much more functional.
    Additionally, a streamer may have a "daytime" and "night-time" stream schedule, in which case one stream and its associated VOD…

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  15. Streams are at various audio levels. Especially during raids, we have all had the experience of being jarred by jumping into a super loud channel after being in a quieter one.

    In the dreamy streamy future, it would be wonderful to (optionally?) crossfade from stream to stream, but that would be super difficult.

    But having the volume start at 0 and fade up gradually to the intended level would be great. (Both on the app and in the browser.)

    Thanks :)

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  16. By providing a L/R audio balance option, a single computer can play 2 streams at the same time by simply separating the speakers. Putting the slider in the player's advanced menu would keep it out of the way until its needed.
    As stream viewing becomes more popular, its just a matter of time before 2 streams want to be watched by viewers but only 1 audio card is available.
    Also, if it doesn't require extra processing, adding a mono option could help the auditory handicapped.

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  17. Hi, I have a great idea, which I miss a lot on twitch, and we had a playlist where you can save streams where something funny happened and can find out the stream and see what else happened, maybe clips too, but that would be a great idea and when the VOD is deactivated, the streams are hidden in the playlist and you can no longer click on them

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  18. So that you can get back from the delay smoothly without losing what is being said or shown on the stream or watching with a 20s delay just so you don't miss what the streamer is saying.

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  19. Create new editting tool that can edit stream timelien and have highlights in it. With this tool streamer can create highlights to streamed past video giving tittles of talked topics of one larger duration of video and smaller pinpoints when changing topic or larger area similiar to youtubes Timeline. This tool can be accessed by streamer and streamer can give rights to edit/highlight timeline to other users - some users have video editors but also great for smaller streamers. Effectively perfect for anyone wanting to quickly see highlights of past stream. This could create new kind of vod watching habits…

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  20. I believe tournament broadcasting could be largely improved with a separate pop-up video source.

    For Example:
    -CS:GO Major stream, with a caster cam that can be moved around the video screen and placed where fit by the viewer, with the ability to make it larger or smaller.
    -This could also benefit streamers with face-cam.
    -Fan cams could be an optional features.

    I think this would be a great exclusive not seen anywhere else, and would promote increased E-Sport production quality.

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