162 results found
Allow broadcasters/editors to edit clip (adjust timeframe slightly/modify titles) Would be handy to allow editors to edit the clips in general, but allowing the original viewer that clipped the clip to retain credit. Example: Maybe the clip has a cuts off a sentence mid-through, so moving the in/out point by a few frames would just clean up the clip.
Some clips I come across are really well done but no catchy title. Adding a title as an editor or broadcaster makes the clip more promotion-friendly when used on third party sites or in Discord.
Currently the only option is to create a new clip of the same content and…
26 votes -
Deleting Clips I accidentally delete all my clips after selecting 2 and selecting delete clips. Maybe their can be an "Undo delete" button when notified that all clips have been deleted and or for like 24 hours after the delete.... Or maybe a deleted clips section where for 24 hours you can select which specific clips to restore.
24 votes -
Longer clips I love the clips feature and highlight feature. But highlights cannot be re highlighted afterwards. It would be nice if clips could be a little longer to help include say boss fights, endings or other special circumstances that are a few to several minutes long.
21 votes -
Twitch Discover (Updated) On September 24th I posted an idea for a new app for Twitch that would be like TikTok or YouTube for Twitch clips, this is because short form content is much more consumable.
Upon discussion and feedback from streamers this should not be an app, since it would be much harder to get people to download and use the app. Instead this should be built right into the site already.
On the front page where you see the 4 purple buttons that say Games, IRL, Music and ESports, there should be a 5th tab called Discover or maybe better yet…
19 votes -
Clip organized better - specifically dates and tags I would love to be able to organize clips more effectively by date, keywords and/or tags. Currently you can organize by date but as a streamer with several years under their belt it’s hard to find. You have to click and scroll and scroll for only a year back let alone two or three. It would be great to be able to choose a year and a month and jump to those clips.
This could be applicable for streamerversaries, birthdays, charities, or even specific holiday clips. It would also be helpful to be able to search by tags or other…
18 votes -
Allow us to name API Call created clips We can create clips via an API call but are not able to name them in that initial API call.
This seems like a worthwhile addition for those of us that use a !clip command for our chats so viewers don’t have to leave stream to make a clip but instead can just type “!clip” and grab a clip and continue watching uninterrupted.
Allowing this would let viewers use a command such as “!clip <clipname> to create a clip that doesn’t simply end up as !clip <the entire stream title here>
The ability to also adjust the time captured would…
18 votes -
Choice of Default Max Length for Creating Clips It would be nice to be able to choose the default max length of a clip when an Elgato Stream Deck is integrated. For example, I've opted to make clips myself using the "Create Clip" action on the Stream Deck. My gripe with this is that all the clips default to 30 secs. This is unfortunate when there are moments that are within the 90 sec. max, but fall outside of the 30 sec. default. So, on Twitch's end, either in the Stream Manager or in the Clips section in Settings, I'd like to see a "Change Default Max Length"…
18 votes -
index stream titles, vods and clips with google search I would really like it if twitch would include our stream titles, vod title, and clip titles in the sites meta description so it shows up in (close to real time) google search.
I recently browsed a stream on Trovo live and found that they do in real time syncing with google search twitch does not.
By even reverse searching twitch stream titles nothing shows up in google search, this is frustrating.
I would also like to be able to search in twitch for stream/clip,vod titles and have them show up in a search results page.
please add this18 votes -
Ability to adjust when your clip starts and ends when you are editing them to make them more show exactly the scene/ moment you wanted I wish there was a way to change when your clips start and ends so you can pin point the exact thing you were trying to clip to share. Example: wanted to clip a moment in Elden Ring and instead ended up with a 30 second clip when I needed a 10 to 15 second clip.
17 votes -
"Show Full Video" button under a clip is missing most of the time Why does the "Show Full Video" button under a Twitch clip disappear so quickly? I'm watching a clip from less than 24 hrs ago and it doesn't link to the VOD anymore, even while the VOD is still published.
For editors, the ability to jump to the VOD to the timestamp of the clip is an absolute gamechanger to save time. Especially with Twitch limiting clips to 60 secs, very often we actually need to cut a longer clip of the VOD.
Between that and the fact that older clips only show a relative date, "A year ago" for ex.,…
16 votes -
Re-Associate Chat With Clip When Unpublished Vod Is Republished I have had VODs unpublished due to things like detecting copyrighted content in a game I was playing, which is fine on it's own. I can just republish the VOD, or allow the clip to be muted, and any subsequent VODs due to forgetting to switch VOD publishing back on can be republished. However, the chat does not re-associate with any clips made that stream even when the VOD is published again. I would appreciate having the chat available for these moments, especially when the stream JUST happened.
It's also unfortunate that a VOD's expiry deletes the chat replay from…16 votes -
16 votes
Info System of: Who/Why/When deleted my clip? Where is my clip? I am Autor of clip.
How can I know, why my clip is deleted?
I Editor of channel. I can't see, who deleted my clip and why.
Streamer can't help me too.How can I check what happened with my clip?
Please, create an information system for this (for autors, for editors, for streamers).
- If clip is deleted by the Editor of channel — Write this "Removed by Editor" (and not required: editor comment).
- If clip is deleted by the Twitch (Administrator/Moderator/Editor/or another role) — Write this with a reason.
- If clip is deleted by the autonomic system — Write…
14 votes -
When Downloading Clips/VODs, the Title of the File Should be the Same Currently, when downloading files from our video producer, they are labeled with some seemingly random assortment of letters and numbers, and do not represent the content being downloaded. I'd like to see an update that simply makes it so the download grabs the title from the clip/VOD being downloaded for ease of use in editing / organization purposes.
When creating things like highlight videos or clip compilations, the extra work to rename the clips/VODs you download can be incredibly tedious and an unnecessary extra step.
Thank you!
13 votes -
Ability to re-pull up clips if they are not loading or buffering properly. This is the msg from the page i got after 5 minutes of refreshing and waiting for it to load with nothing open in the background not even twitch.
"Well this is awkward… Something went wrong.Refresh the stream and try again, or tell us what happened."
13 votes -
Ocultar clip Opción de OCULTAR/PUBLICAR. El streamer debería poder decidir si un clip es publico o si lo quiere ocultar. Hay clips que uno no quiere que los demás lo vean pero no lo quiere borrar, esta opción ya existe pero sólo para los VODS Y DESTACADOS, seria genial que estuviera en los clips.
Imagen de ejemplo: https://prnt.sc/YPKx1D-qEjvd
11 votes -
Clip Manager needs to be updated I think a full overhaul of the twitch clip system needs to happen. I should be able to skip to a certain page of my hundreds of clips instead of waiting an eternity to scroll down and have them load in. I also should be able to view all my clips on iOS and android, but desktop should be a priority. Channel editors should also be allowed to remove clips from a broadcasters channel, as it is a crucial moderation tool we lac. Currently the clip manager and system is slow, archaic, and inefficient.
11 votes -
When clicking the "clipped by" user in your clips overview in creator dashboard, show the user's usercard in your channel Right now, when you click the username of the person who created a clip in the "clips of your channel" overview, it links to that person's own clips page on their channel. These users often aren't streamers, and either way it's not particularly relevant to go to clips of another channel when reviewing your own channel's clips. Instead, I propose that clicking the user name should bring up the user card for that person, so you can confirm if they are following you or their previous chat history, which is much more relevant information if you need to check if…
10 votes -
Edit Clip Titles from Clips Manager As an editor and channel manager, it would be extremely convenient to be able to edit Clip Titles from the Clip Manager page. As an editor, I click the "clip that" button from the Creator Dashboard extremely often. It would be so useful to be able to edit the clip titles after-the-fact, because as of now creating a clip on the fly automatically sets the title as the stream title. As you can imagine, going through 20 clips with the exact same title is time consuming.
Not only would it help as an editor, but it would also help with…
10 votesAna respondedAs a channel manager, do you mean streamer? If not, I definitely see the need for what you are suggesting. I want to leave your feedback on its own for further consideration (from the editor perspective), but I do have two ideas for you that I think might be worth supporting that also address the different issues you have highlighted:
- https://twitch.uservoice.com/redirect/suggestions/40125406
- http://twitch.uservoice.com/forums/923368/suggestions/33356122
Thanks for your feedback!
An API to create a Twitch clips I would like to be able to create a clip by passing to a Twitch API the video_id, offset in seconds, duration in seconds, and name of the clip to create.
This should be secured so that only channel owners can, with an OAuth token, create clips on their channel
9 votes
- Don't see your idea?