I love to create collections on my channel, of many videogames that we already won with my viewers.
Today i was creating one until i figured out that the max ammount of collections is 100.
That's so bad because there's some people that uses it. And if it's a problem of servers, i promise that 90% of the streamers doesn't care about collections.
Is there any chance to add 100 or 200 more? I promise that it's a great tool for many people like my who likes the organization.
NAHUELSON8 commented
It's a great idea
santy99slo commented
De acuerdo, debieran agregar mas ya que es una herramienta muy útil para muchas personas.
apiperonista_ commented
para mi es una buena idea pq nos puede beneficiar a todos
ionelheredia1 commented
Please Twitch, it is a very good idea for those who want to organize the games
joacoxowo commented
como seguidor me gustaria que agreguen mas colecciones para distintos canales de stremears y garantizar una gran herramienta para los demás seguidores
juakogelves commented
i actually recomend this idea could be useful tbh
elgordoqueopinaok commented
Me parece una idea genial. ojala twitch lo tenga en cuenta.
marcelooteroo commented
It's a great idea
alexg0ddd commented
I think it's a good idea so we're all in agreement.
fgzjjdt commented
I support the idea
animerakata commented
more collections = more people viewing = more future viewers = more money in your pocket.
pure advantages without losses. In addition, they are very useful for non-recurring users or those with difficult schedules.
santyyh17_ commented
dale twitch ponele ganas
joako_je commented
I support this
ebv_saantii commented
I support this idea, I think it would be good
testikles0k commented
good idea to have more variety
lvsauron1 commented
good idea ¡
elcarnicerooxdxd commented
Please twitch, because its a good idea to the streamers have more collections
ELFeNiX_____ commented
I like the idea
mrzombiemvp commented
Very good idea
AriiMVP commented
This is a good's an easier way to directly see our streamers play a game that we have missed for personal reasons.