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Twitch Studio



59 results found

  1. Melhorar a engenharia e sem travamentos durante as transmissões nos navegadores, seja nos computadores e seja nos telefones móveis.

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  2. I want to be able to see the chatbox through my games so that I don't have to look at another device or another monitor to see their messages. It kinda messes me up during my game and miss other peoples comments that I'd love to be able to converse with them to make others feel like I'm paying attention to their comments.

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  3. Many programs such as OBS have simple function of changing windows (modules) position. You can simply drag and drop it any place on your main (working) space.

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  4. 후원창 열어주세요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

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  5. Bonjour je voudrait stream avce ma 4g et jouer avec la conexion de chez moi mais imposible de trouver comment faire
    Aidez moi svp

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  6. mając 2 karty sieciowe by inną niż domyślną kartą sieciową szła transmisja a inną gra by nie mieć lagów czy audio przy grach z małymi pakietami i słabszym routerem pomaga to gdy są niewielkie zmiany lub niekorzystne warunki od operatora... również nie mając 2 kart sieciowych na kabel można by było wykożystać połączenie wi-fi bo często komputery teraz mają połączenie na kabel jak i na wi-fi i idzie to skonfigurować by obie karty chodziły tylko każda odpowiadała za coś innego (inny wybór karty sieciowej niż Domyślna.

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  7. I have an upload Bandwidth of around 720kbps total. I have been streaming for a couple years, but is new features kept being added to other platforms ( mainly streamlabs ) It got to where the streaming client was using more bandwidth than the game. This causes service drops, crashes, lag, etc even on my lowest settings. I am not the only one in thie situation. Since pandemic a lof of folks like me, in locations unable to have higher internet services, want to stream but find themselves unable to. I stream at 480p 30fps which is usually 'okay' but…

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  8. a way to chose to upload the stream after it has finished= after the stream is finished the stream would be uploaded right after.

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  9. 1 vote

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  10. Avoir la possibilité de choisir la qualité de l'enregistrement vidéo indépendamment de la qualité du Stream.
    Par exemple :
    qualité de Stream -> 720p
    VOD -> 1080p

    Cela permet d'avoir la possibilité de garder des VODs dans la meilleur qualité possible et cela permet de donner la possibilité d'utiliser Twitch studio comme enregistrement vidéo autant que pour le Stream.
    Actuellement pour ma part je suis obligé d'utilisé Twitch studio seulement pour le Stream et d'utiliser un autre logiciel à coté pour avoir la meilleur qualité de VOD que mon pc peut fournir.
    Merci d'avoir lu et j'espère que cette feature…

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  11. 1 vote

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  12. id really enjoy if i could edit what im streaming at. like lower it down to 720p since i have horrid upload and wifi in general. so i realllly need to stream at a lower rate than 1020p

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  13. Toggle hardware acceleration to reduce FPS loss during gaming.

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  14. Have it be sequential read write if it isnt already because it takes so long to compile the data before submitting any bugs. It honestly needs streamlining if it wants to make the app friendly for lower end users to work coz there are a lot of issues on lower end machines

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  15. szerintem legyen egy olyan funkció amivel LIVE közben is lehet minőséget választani

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  16. BOnjour , je me demande pourquoi twitch studio est aussi gourmant ; et surtout pourquoi tout les modules de scenes sont activé en permanence , meme sans utiliser ces dites scenes !
    pour les petites config c'est un gros probleme , qui pousse a se tourner vers la concurrence , chose que j'aimerais eviter !
    cordialement 2blop utilisateur de twitch et qui l'aime bien malgré tout !

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  17. alert me when going live/steady/losing connection

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  18. 1 vote

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  19. Hat Obs schon, und ist sehr hilfreich bei einigen spielen

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