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Twitch Studio

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Twitch Studio



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145 results found

  1. Hola, ¿podrían añadir a Twitch Studio la posibilidad de discriminar el audio que se reproduce durante la transmisión? Que yo pueda elegir que se está oyendo mientras juego. Hacer posible que se oiga el sonido del propio juego sin que se oiga lo que están diciendo mis compañeros desde Discord o si se está reproduciendo musica desde el Pc mientras estámos jugando.

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  2. voor de streams is het veel handiger om desktop geluid aan te zetten, **** u dat toevoegen aub dat zal me een hoop helpen

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  3. Hola amigos,

    He estado utilizando y testeando el Twitch Studio, creo que sería una idea estupenda que añadiéseis un botón para una capa especial, que se pudiese superponer en las escenas para añadir música de fondo. De hecho la idea de usar twitch soundtrack (que también estoy testeando) es fantástica. Sería poner el botón "salida de sonido" y añadirlo como capa transparente superpuesta. En esta capa se podrían añadir tanto aplicaciones de reproductores de música (teniendo en cuenta que cualquier uso de canciones con copyright no podrán ser guardadas en vídeos del directo sopena de sanción), como incluso compartir aplicaciones…

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  4. Avere la possibilità di trasmettere l’audio di gioco e nello stesso momento sentire l’audio di gioco nelle cuffie per poter giocare, altrimenti la live diventa molto brutta solo con la musica o addirittura solo la voce

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  5. 1 vote

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  6. Hello, guys!
    Devs should add possibility to adjust volume of sources (web-sources, media), because its really important.
    Hope this message will be noted.

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  7. 1 vote

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  8. gostaria um recurso que deixa todos os áudios do pc, e do ps4 que ta na placa de captura, saísse na mesma fonte, pra não duplicar o áudio na Live, quando quero que o audio do pc saia, tenho que desativar o do audio do ps4, por que ele sai junto na fonte do audio do pc, ou vice versa, ta muito ruim de configurar isso.

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  9. I wish I could mute the gameplay audio for myself from my desktop while using capture cards and the elgato chat link. That way, I can keep my volume up on my desktop to be able to hear the twitch alerts and my party can't hear the gameplay come back to them while I'm on mic

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  10. When I used the previous broadcasting program, audio separation recording was possible. I wish there was a Twitch studio. For example, if you put it in a video editing program, only multiple audio appear in one image. The reason I like it can make bad viewers' voices disappear. And it makes my own gossip disappear. This is the advantage.

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  11. I wish there would be an easy option to separate voicechat from streams to not make viewers hear what ppl are talking about on discord channels when its confidential/personal matters.

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  12. hotkey doesnt recognize my footpedal. It works in discord though

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  13. It would be great to auto mute for some layouts (such as "be right back")

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  14. For lower end users, streaming, running a broadcasting software and talking to friends while playing slows down their device by miles. Perhaps there's a way to optimise this so that it is possible?

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  15. variedad en configuracion de audio , regular el volumen del juego en la transmision , del micro y del escritorio en general

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  16. Permitir que suene solo 1 ventana o aplicación, y no tengan que sonar todas las ventanas.

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  17. 1 vote

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  18. to control the pc volume or microfone volume

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  19. Das man tonspuren anpassen kann

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  20. a lot of people are requesting a now playing sort of layer for music. that would be great, but it's not really necessary if you can instead add a text+ layer, where instead of just typing in text, it would allow uploading a text file.

    this way the already available "snip" program will be able to integrate with twitch studio, and it would require a lot less work on your end.

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