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45 results found

  1. Having the options to make multiple alerts, and have a random one play when someone subs for example. Preferably also having the options to choose how often or rare an alert is.

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  2. Name cheered 10000x

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  3. Viewers would enjoy having an alert go off for never missing a stream. Potentially, different alerts could be set by how many streams are watched in a row.

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  4. Hey. So this is possible to make using custom HTML / CSS.

    I know because i did it myself. HOWEVER, to do this, you need an element called an SVG which is not allowed on Twitch. (So it gets automatically removed)

    Therefor i want them to add something as basic as making us able to curve the text with a simple slider. Shouldn't take too long to add and would make Alerts so much more dynamic, custom and cool to look at.

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  5. Hello and good afternoon.
    I've been having problems for the last two or four days with the new follower, subscriber, and bit alerts since they don't show up during the live stream.

    I've tried restarting everything, and I've even created the overlays again from scratch, reconfigured the alerts, and added new things, but nothing updates, and they don't appear.

    Not a single alert appears, and only those that are "test" appear to verify that they work.

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  6. Being able to have custom triggers for Alerts (Ideally hotkeys) and have that integrate with twitch studios would be a great workaround from using multiple 3rd party widgets and apps.
    I.E. Being able to display your own .gif and sound in the form of an alert when user input has been made via hotkey.

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  7. Hi! Recently my channel's been growing, and so I get raided a few times each stream, I have a problem with Raid Alerts not showing, I tried to set them on stream elements, then on StreamLabs, and even in Twitch, with no success.
    Can you please help me? I don't know what else to do, the only way I can somehow know if I was raided is by looking at the chat.
    I even configured everything from zero, even OBS.
    I would be very thankful if you can help me since it damages the stream experience from viewers and me…

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  8. please add copy and pasting. pretty ******* stupid that i have to request this to begin with. getting tired of having to change the twitch studio coding everytime i want to copy and paste.

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  9. Like on Stream Elements, it would be good to limit TTS in time on alerts. Actually, even if we set an alert duration, the message is fully read, which can be annoying if its pretty big.

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  10. It looks like the feature is in place, but doesn't work in practice. When I link my Custom Reward to an Alert, the Test Alert function works (and I can see the Alert in OBS), but when audience picks the Reward, it doesn't trigger. Could you look into this?

    Seems like there's some miscommunication between Custom Rewards and Alerts.

    As a rookie Affiliate, I decided to move natively to Twitch functionalities, but seems like some of it is a little clunky. Hoping that it gets resolved, and all the love to what you guys are doing.

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  11. I think we should be able to customize alerts using formatting similar to Canva or google slides, with dragging corners and using send to the front or background buttons instead of having to code. Most streamers aren't coders and everything should work super easy and fast. It works like that on other platforms, Twitch Alerts should be the same. I could not get my alert to look right as the worded part ______ followed as the basic format options would not fit my image and coding part would not move my text up correctly. If I used canva it would…

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  12. loop feature for your alert image with a timer so you can sync the sound alert sound and image to turn off at the same time.

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  13. Every time a streamer enters the stream, whether they are new or returning a shout-out to also support them should be made. Since they would create a customized shout-out to other streamers participating in their streams.

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  14. It'd be nice if we could see the name of our viewers as they watch the stream. It would make it easier to greet people/ welcome them even if they are not in chat. I think it would help me interact with my audience as I slowly grow on twitch.

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  15. Hi, it seems there's a problem with the new Twitch Alerts feature. I can't modify the CSS code to add my own font. When I click to validate, an error message appears.

    Yet, it works very well with as well as alerts. Note I use exactly the same code line on the three platforms and it only doesn't work on Twitch alerts.

    What's wrong?


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  16. Would love to have the option to import alerts

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  17. Alertas para los puntos del canal, como hay alertas por cada seguidor o donación, también podría ver una para cuando alguien canjee los puntos del canal.

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  18. I want to use browser sources to improve my stream. The input for the link is too short to add dixper studios to my stream. or input features from other places. Ex: jar for follows,etc; special alerts like jump scares. things like that to get more options with engaging the viewers. I'm trying to get affiliate or partner and can only use this studio to stream on my computer.

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  19. 通知レイヤーのテストアラートが機能しません

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  20. que con una opcion de copiar url puedas pone los sonidos guardados en el panel de control de alertas sonoras

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