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88 results found

  1. I personally don't have a creditcard and i know more people don't, so maybe add an option to buy bits with Paypal?

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  2. A screen that every account would have that shows bits spent in the last 30 days (or longer), this would enable everyone to see if their account has been hacked, and being used to bit farm for a channel they do not actually watch.

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    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Hey there!

    This is a great idea! So great that it’s live on the site now!

    Thank you so much for this feedback. Definitely something that makes everyone’s lives a little easier. You can find your Bits Usage History at

  3. Não acho Justo comigo e nem Com outros investidores da plataforma que nós invista em Bits e Nosso distintivo de meta de Bits seja ocultado. Pelo Streaming ou pela falha da plataforma. Isso só tira o incentivo de investir em Bits, mesmo que seja para ajudar. O meu distintivo e de outros Views deveria ser fixo pela plataforma não podendo ser ocultado pelo Streaming. Assim vai ser algo mais Justo para quem incentiva na plataforma. Grato.

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  4. I think it would be cool to upload custom emotes for who cheer with bits

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  5. It would be good to add a 10 option for bits. This way you are not stuck with using 1 bit so many times if you have less than 100 bits.

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    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    You can cheer with as many bits as you would like by typing in chat.

    If you have any further questions on this please reach out to our support team and they can further answer your questions

  6. I would like to propose something to twitch, create recharges, like those of steam or blizzard, to allow even those who do not have credit cards and do not want to spend more on mobile phones, to do sub, donation and more, for example from 5, 15, etc. euros, and I use them to donate, submerge etc. and I’m going to buy them from the game stop.

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  7. Hace mas de 5 meses que hago steraming y me han donado unos 600 bits. Se que no es mucho, pero aun no me han depositado nada de lo que gane. Las configuraciones de los bancos y demas esta bien configurada, quisiera saber que tengo que hacer o si hay algun problema, ya que me cuesta grabar para no obtener mis donaciones. Aguardo comentarios. Muchas gracias

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    1 comment  ·  Bugs  ·  Admin →
    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Hey there,

    This seems like something better helped by our team at

    They’ll be able to help look at your account investigate your payout with you.

    Best of luck with this!

  8. 4 votes

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  9. FIFA

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  10. Mi sugerencia es que se puedan moderar los bits, ya que aunque esté la opción de banear o dar time out, hay muchas donaciones inapropiadas hacia él/la streamer. Los comentarios pueden de ser de todo tipo; sexualización, faltas de respeto, entre otros mensajes que incomodan tanto al streamer como a su comunidad.

    Agradecería que se tome en cuenta esta sugerencia y sea implementada para hacer más ameno ver los directos en la plataforma.

    Muchas gracias por su atención y disculpas por las molestias.

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  11. en un canal en especifico no me deja mandar bits, me dice que el mínimo de es de uno, inserto mas de dos y no me deja me sigue apareciendo el mensaje, ya recargue bits.

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  12. test

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  13. 2 votes

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  14. Je ne comprend toujours pas pourquoi après mainte signalement à Twitch que je n’ai toujours pas d’affiliation ou partenaire pour ma chaîne Twitch qui date de 10 mois , que je n’ai gagne encore 0€ , alors que certain ce permette d’avoir des 17000 subs ?? L’égalité n’est pas présente sur Twitch. Ça fais maintenant 10 mois que je stream plus de 2000 h de stream et 0€ gagné ? C’est une honte! D’avoir 1 spec à chaque live. Aucun stream une moyenne de 250h par mois. Une honte. On devrait être payé chaque heure de stream un minimum…

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    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Hey there,

    When it comes to issues like this, this can only be resolved through

  15. 2 votes

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  16. Yayın Açamıyorum Farklı yayın kanallarında yayın yapabilirken twich de yayın yapamıyorum

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    Closed  ·  Twitch responded

    Hey there,

    Seems like you need assistance from our team at Submitting a ticket there should get our team in contact with you so they can help you resolve your issues going live.

  17. 2 votes

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  18. Bueno en estos días me donaron bits y ellos no aparecen en la tabla de tops de donadores de bits y todo esto ocurrió luego de cambiar mi nombre de twitch hoy y esto me moleta mucho también tengo una pregunta de sobre donde me llegan los bits que me donan

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  19. I am frequently the "Bit Leader" on a particular channel. At some point, I stopped being awarded the Gold "Bit Leader" badge even though at the top of chat, it shows me as the bit leader. This has happened before, but would resolve itself after a few minutes. Now the whole week goes by and I never get the badge.

    I have a screenshot showing that I am the Bit Leader, but cannot select the Gold bit badge to appear in chat.

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    Closed  ·  Danky responded

    Hello, sorry for not catching this sooner. If you’re experiencing issues with Bits Badges, please send the support team a ticket through the Help Portal

  20. Someone got into my account and bought some bits I was able to catch them right away but I'm still waiting on a refund if there was a way to make getting a refund quicker that would be 👌

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    Closed  ·  Danky responded

    Hello there, apologies for the situation you had to experience. Unfortunately, these refunds are processed through your payment provider, therefore we are unable to make improvements here.

    Thank you for contacting us!

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