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33 results found

  1. The new purple screen of death that's been happening to a lot of people obviously doesn't work as intended and should be removed until it does. I miss a lot of streams because it pops up randomly. I never use adblock on twitch. I use BTTV and FFZ. That shouldn't be flagged as 3rd party tools that affect the stream performance negatively.

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  2. The Giphy extention when i add it to my stremlabs it is not working. why? yes i copy and pasted into add browser source

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  3. 확장 프로그램이 설치된 채널 진입 후, 우측의 확장 프로그램 설정의 ‘접근 권한 관리’에서 권한 부여/해제 시 자동 리프레쉬 혹은 Twitch.ext.onAuthorized 콜백이 와야 하는데 두 기능 모두 작동하지 않습니다.

    (참고 문서 :

    대상 확장 프로그램 : Pick&Go

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  4. 출시 전 확장 프로그램 접근 권한에서 스트리머 화이트리스트를 등록했는데, 출시 후 화이트리스트 이외의 계정에서도 해당 확장 프로그램이 검색 및 설치가 됩니다.

    대상 확장 프로그램명 : Pick&Go

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  5. 1 vote

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  6. When I try to put on my extinstion it just ont work on my stream.

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  7. if you click on an extension chat message on the name of the extension

    You get a little chat UI with the extension description

    That description has a "popout" button

    That loads a broken user card

    For example

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  8. The video player has many hotkeys, most usefully Spacebar to pause/play and M to mute/unmute. When an extension is enabled on a stream(it may only be some extensions, but I've noticed this with the vast majority), it seems to form an invisible pane that will eat clicks on the player (i.e. highlighting it to use the hotkeys). Hotkeys still work if you can select the player, which you can check by clicking the control strip at the bottom.

    This doesn't really feel like intended behavior and is extremely confusing if you don't know about it.

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  9. Je n'arrive pas a configurer mes extensions et overlays! donc j'ai un stream pourrave!

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    1. Go to your channel.
    2. Click "Edit Panels". You should see this:
    3. Click "Activate" on one of the default extensions. A popup will appear.
    4. Click "Activate" on the bottom right of the popup. The popup will disappear.
    5. Click "Configure" on the newly added panel extension. A popup will appear.
    6. Click "Activate" on the bottom right of the popup. Nothing happens.

    When you have 3 or more activated extensions, clicking "Activate" on step #6 will display a dropdown. Until then, it does nothing.

    This confuses users and causes them to send bug reports to the extension developer, when really this is…

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  10. I seem to have a persistent issue with users who are banned from my chat still being able to use my extensions to troll/harass me, resulting in the deactivation of the extension until the user moves on. Please have extensions check for banned users and disallow them to use the extension on my channel if they are banned. This is a particularly large issue especially with the Sound Alert Extension. Imagine being spammed with a "RIP" alert every thirty seconds just because you banned a 12 year old from your streams. Not Fun.

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  11. Explicitly state somewhere in Content Policy ( that integrations with certain products competitive to Twitch may be rejected on review.

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  12. I was apart of the Amazon Associate program and got it linked to my AMAZON GEAR. They deleted my account because of "LACK OF TRAFFIC" even they owed me money on one.

    So now my Amazon Gear doesn't work because they closed my account and their support keeps telling me to contact Twitch even tho it says to contact them for support.

    Just a heads up

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